Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hope, Fear and Jesus

Sunday morning retuning: Jesus wants to use us to declare His love and truth.  The kids reminded us of this powerful, challenging reality of the Incarnation as they shared in word and song in their musical.  Are you making yourself available to Jesus to use for His purposes?

I have been pondering some other words in the last week and plan to give all who attend our Christmas Eve Services next Monday a chance to join me.  We will read the Christmas story from Luke 2 and sing a number of carols that allow us to consider these marvelous realities.  The children will hear a special story from Ms. Robin.  Then we will take some time to think.  After all, thinking can be worship too.

I will ask everyone to consider the hopes that heap up in their hearts on Christmas Eve and as we round out one year and look into the next.  Christmas is such a hopeful time for many.  The fact that God sent His Son, the Light, into this dark world is cause for rejoicing.  What hopes fill your heart this Advent season?

Next I will ask everyone to consider the fears that shift like shadows in their souls at the dark time of the year.  Christmas is such a fearful time for many.  The fact that God sent His Son, the King, into this scary world gives us hope, but we still have fears, and His Incarnation helps Him empathize with us.  What fears fill your soul this Advent season?

Finally I will ask everyone to consider Jesus.  All our hopes are realized and our fears overcome in Him.  Our understanding of who He is greatly shapes our ability to rest in Him, or not.  What ideas of Jesus are alive in you this Advent season?

Here is a link to Chris Tomlin singing the song and the words for you to ponder.  Merry Christmas!

Hallowed Manger Ground (Chris Tomlin and Ed Cash)
Verse 1
What hope we hold this starlit night
A King is born in Bethlehem
Our journey long we seek the light
That leads to the hallowed manger ground

Verse 2

What fear we felt in the silent age
Four-hundred years can He be found
But broken by a baby's cry
Rejoice in the hallowed manger ground

Chorus 1

Emmanuel Emmanuel
God incarnate here to dwell
Emmanuel Emmanuel
Praise His name Emmanuel

Verse 3

The Son of God here born to bleed
A crown of thorns would pierce His brow
And we beheld this offering
Exalted now the King of kings
Praise God for the hallowed manger ground.

Jesus, it is Your presence that made that manger ground holy.  It is Your presence that makes us likewise.  We praise Your name, Emmanuel, God with us.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

There is Peace Here for Now

Sunday morning retuning: Thanks to all my friends who helped make The First Noel possible.  What a delight to serve the Lord with you.  I can hardly wait until next time, but am learning to savor the warm glow of God’s glory we just enjoyed!

Invariably there is at least one line that the Lord speaks to me through each of these major works we share.  I say at least because after you have lived in a set of songs for a couple months the Lord speaks at different points from many of them, which is why I continue to hold to the long-held belief that the greatest blessing from these productions belongs to the choir who has ingested these truths.  That is an unashamed plug for involvement in choral ministry.

Anyway, the one that caught my attention this year was one of the original works in the musical called “Great Mystery”.  The line came from the third verse of the song, which in and of itself was a lead-in to the popular Chris Tomlin Hallowed Manger Ground.  Speaking of the wise that soon would come and bow it says, “There is peace here for now.” 

Side note.  Funny thing is, when I first was learning the song, I sang the words incorrectly.  I started to learn it as “there is peace here and now”.  Which seemed at some level to make sense, and still does because when the Prince of Peace came he brought peace that can never be taken away, but only into those who receive it.

I like the urgency that this line speaks.  Here for now.  Don’t miss it.  It could easily be “here right now.” Enjoy it.  Savor it.  Relish it.  This is the thought that I have been challenged with the last while, and want to pass along to you.

It the midst of an already busy life rushes the Christmas season.  There is peace, here for now?  Really?  Have you seen my calendar and to-do list?  The challenge is to find peace, as elusive as it seems, for I believe it is here for the taking.

Our family has an Advent tradition of lighting some candles, reading some scripture with devotional thoughts, singing and praying each night of December.  It is not always easy to carve out the time, but we are diligent.  The kids help us because they really wan to do this, and I firmly believe it has little to do with tradition of the piece of chocolate in their Advent calendar.  I think it has more to do with the moments of peace it affords in a busy season.

I want to encourage you in particular to try to live in the moment, soaking up all God has for you right then.  It is so easy to become overwhelmed with the demands of the season: relationally, financially, emotionally, etc.  Do not worry about tomorrow, enjoy Jesus right now. [Matthew 6:25-34 (New International Version)]

Whatever you have to do, please slow down enough each day of this Advent season to reflect on the difference Christ’s coming is making on you.  I am a work in progress, you are too, and these moments help us remember that, and usher in the peace we need to continue in Christ-likeness.

Jesus, help us each experience Your peace this Advent season.  It is here, for right now, this moment.  So help us enjoy it, for our good and Your glory.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, November 06, 2012


Sunday morning retuning: So what kind of heart do you have?  As realized as Pastor Paul preached that there are times when I exhibit each of those qualities: hard, shallow, distracted, good.  How I want my heart to be fertile ground all the time.  Help me Spirit!

That is the word that is on my mind today.  Why?  

The election.  What are the potential ramifications of the votes we cast today?  Our God is sovereign and He is the One who establishes and tears down (Romans 13:1-7) but yet there are ramifications of our choices for us personally and for our country.

Pastor Nathan.  Though I am really sad that God is redeployed his emerging talents, I am excited about the potential impact on people for the glory of our God.  This is a great picture for each of us as we keep ourselves open to the Lord for His redirecting.

Worship Conference.  I will be with some worship pastors from large churches around the Alliance.  I am excited about what may come out of that, with one area involving technology and music in particular.  What else does God have in store?

God’s Word.  If I will keep my heart before God and allow Him the freedom to work in me, I might actually become the man, husband, dad, and pastor that he desires for me to be.  The alternative does not honor God, or allow me to fully experience his goodness.

So what about you?  Do you see the potential all around you today.  Potential for your choices to influential the direction of the lives around you for some time to come.  Potential for God to receive glory if you stay one step behind Him.  Potential for God to grip your heart through your circumstances if you keep your eyes and heart open.  Potential for God’s Word to really change you, and keep changing you.

Believer, your life in Christ is wrought with potential.  Walk in it today as you stay one step behind Him.  And enjoy it!

Jesus, help me to realize the potential in and all around me.  Give methe faith and the courage to embrace and experience You unfolding that before me today.  Thank You for loving me even when I don’t. Amen.  

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Sunday morning retuning: We were reminded of the forgiveness Jesus offers to “50” and “500” sinners.  (See Luke 7:36-50)  We have been forgiven much, but do we love much?

As I sat on my couch last night listening to the wind howl outside one word came to mind: relentless.  This “super”-storm sounded different than most other in that the wind did not seem to stop or let up.  It sounded like the blower that inflates our boys waterslide each summer, constantly blowing, just MUCH BIGGER!

That got me thinking about what God might want to be speaking to me through this.  [Do you do that?  When a thought comes to mind, take it back to God and ask what He is saying, that it.]  Don’t get me wrong, I do not do that all the time, but when I do, it’s always good.

I felt first of all…no wait, let me tell you something else about this concept before I give you my first impression.  I did a quick word study of relentless and learned it only appears in the NIV 84 one time, where it refers to God’s enemies.  In The Message, it is used a number of times and most often refers to God’s righteous anger.  Only in Solomon’s prayer of dedication for the Temple is it used to describe His love.  Yet, that is the sense that comes to mind for me when I think of this word.

Now for my thoughts.  I though about David, you know the “man after God’s own heart”, that is, who pursued God’s heart.  He passionately went after God, yet not without fail.  Just like us.  In response to His relentless love for us, we should love and pursue God relentlessly, without any sign of slowing or stopping.  How often we fail.  I think of the line sand Sunday from Shine into Our Night, “We’ve seen Your glory Lord, but looked away.”  Why do we do that?

We asked forgiveness on Sunday for “our obsession with creating a life of constant pleasure.”  How true.  Instead of creating a life filled with the Glory of our Creator, we strive to fill it with creature comforts.  How do we get our eyes off of ourselves and onto Him and his purposes?  We pray, relentlessly.

How do we pray?  Here’s an idea.  Open Up the Heavens.  Can you feel their passion as they sing?  [Worship team members, singers and players alike, we could take some notes from their facial expression and their engagement in singing their praise.]

This kind of prayer will broaden your perspective.  It will get your eyes off of the struggles and problems right before you.  It will remind you of how lofty and great is the hope we have in Christ.  What we see before us is not all there this, but only a shadow.  The grave was not the end for our Master and will not be the end for us either.  This song reminds of that in typical progressive bluegrass fashion.  [When she shared this with me Sarah was wondering when we might do this at NMC.  I replied, “When we have a banjo player.”]

Jesus, help us be relentless in our pursuit of You.  Have mercy on those who are caught in the relentless pounding of Hurricane Sandy.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.  

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tired of the Negativity?

Sunday morning retuning: Two weeks from today we will cast our ballots? Are you prepared and well-informed?  There are some resources at the North-Mar Church website that can help.  

If I see one more negative add I think I am going to scream!  I understand what one CNN analyst said when he quoted some statistic about the effectiveness of negative adds to influence voters, but I would really like it if they candidates could spend more time, AND MONEY, telling me how they are the better choice based one what they will do.

And what they say they will do should be what influences our votes in a couple weeks, but not because of it’s impact on our pocket books so much as our conscience.  We must discern where the candidates stand on issues of morality and let this information influence us above all else.  The economy, foreign policy and any other number of issues are important, but less important than those of morality.

Even still, as I was reminded this morning, our hope is not in the future president of our country, but in Jesus, our Messiah.  Our greatest responsibility is not even to vote, though I plead with all of you to do so, but in living out our hope in lives bent to his purposes. 

Romney said something in the debates last night that sounded presidential, something about believing in America, the great hope of the world.  Jesus Himself is the great hope, and America can be an expression of that, but we have forgotten in many ways many of the truths this nation was founded upon, because many believers have failed to live up to the light we have.

I saw this video a few weeks ago, and considered showing it in our services, but decided against it after conferring with Pastor Myron.  I think it has a positive message to it, one that I would much rather see repeated on my television screen, even if I do not agree with every single thought portrayed and image used.  It reminds of the promises we are hearing these days then takes a turn you do not expect.  I pray it will encourage you to be a positive voice, in these next two weeks, and beyond…

Jesus, help us to be a positive influence upon the world around us, even as we look to you as the source of all Hope.  Shine Your light into our darkness, until Your glory fills our eyes.  

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What’s Your Vise?

Sunday morning retuning: Are you living a life of repentance?  The analogy from Sunday of a vise really grabbed a hold of me.  Sorry for the shameless pun.  It will be difficult to live a life of where you have turned away from your something until you have identified it.  Have you?

I grew up with a clear mental picture of the purpose of a vise.  My dad always had, and does to this day, a small vise on his workbench in the basement.  I remember as a kid putting things in it, cracking them down super tight and smashing them with a hammer.  Even when I would try to bend them back, they were never the same.  They were marked by the pounding and the grip of the vise itself.

If I were to ask you what your “vice” is [notice the different spelling] you would likely think of a fault, a negative character trait, a defect, an infirmity, or merely a bad habit that marks or plagues your Christian life.   I find it ineteresting that these two words, vise and vice have very different but associated meanings.  Sorry but I really like words and their meanings so you will have to bear with me.  I had never considered these two before.

Let me make this a little less academic and a lot more personal.  We are studying the concept of margin as a staff.  Our text is a book of that title, Margin, by Richard Swenson.  [There is a sample at the link.] He defines margin as “the space between our load and our limits.”  I liken the concept to the margins of a book.  Does you life have some space, like the margins of a book, or is it jammed full like the page of a book that has words going all the way to the edges so that you have to move your fingers to see them all?  If you are feeling like you do not have any, take solace if you can in the fact that what you are feeling is a societal epidemic.

Pastor Scott asked us a great question today, he has a gift at that you know.  “If you think back, when did margin start becoming a problem for you?”  As I pondered this, I could not remember when I first noticed it gone.  Only when I became aware of the concept several years ago, did I realize it had been crowded out at all.  This led me to the conclusion that at least in my thinking, margin-less living was fairly ingrained.  I confess that it is a vise for me, squeezing the life out of me, unless I am conscious of it, and war against it, or turn from it, which I routinely try to do.

Before you think, what’s the big deal with that, you have to understand that it effects not only the way I think, but by default every decision I make, every word I speak, every thing I do, unless I consciously choose to live a life of repentance.  Do you see where I am going?

Living with margin is my vise, or more truly one of them, but it might not be yours.  What is?  Once you have identified it, you have a much better chance of turning from it successfully.  I pray you will today, for God’s glory and your good.

Jesus, help me and my friends live lives of repentance.  Thank You for Your light which shines the way, and Your strength which enables us to walk it, one step behind You.  

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, October 09, 2012


Sunday morning retuning: I was retuning Sunday.  For the first time in a long time, I was not in any church service of any kind.  I actually did not feel like being anywhere either.  My family was all at church and the house was quiet.  Weird!  Helped me realize how much I really enjoy getting together with that quirky bunch of folks called the church...  

"It is advised that at least one week be taken off of school or work.  Gradually increase your activity each day."  Funny how mandatory rest can seem on one hand like a week of vacation, and on another like a prison sentence.  I guess it's really all about perspective, right?  Well, that's what I am working on today it appears.

And there is a difference between active rest and passive rest  The former I suppose is filled with purposefulness and meaning, the later seems devoid of true significance.  I know I need the rest, but there are other things I would like to do.  I feel like I am waffling back and forth between the two.  Maybe blogging about it is my way of being passively active?

As I was reflecting on resting this morning, the text of a wonderful, old hymn came to mind, "Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting."  That link will take you to the text and the original, or at least widely recognized tune for this great text.  Though the entire hymn is rich with imagery of the experience of resting in Jesus, I really love the line in the 3rd stanza which speaks of His love which "Compasseth me round with blessings, Thine is love indeed."  My experience of His love for me flows directly out of my simple trust in Him.

I came across a newer version of this old hymn about ten years ago, and it included those words, but I could not find one today for you to listen to that did.  I like this version by the Shelly Moore Band best of the ones I heard because the tempo helps me imagine resting better than many others.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  Jesus, I am Resting, Resting

Let me leave you with a question.  Are you resting today in the joy of what Jesus is?  If not, what's stopping you?  Pain, obligations, responsibilities, commitments, friendships, family, work, debt, plans, dreams, etc.  Determine today to find out the greatness of His loving heart.

Jesus, help me and my friends to rest in you today.  Whether we are active or passive, draw us close to You.  Whether we are working or waiting, teach us to rest. 

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Stopping the Flow

Sunday morning retuning:  So what was your fill in the blank?  “Jesus, I’m in pain with ________.  Help me!”  Continue to invite Him to do so.  He loves you!!

We were listening to something as a staff earlier today that really had an impact on me. So much so that I wanted to share it with you, believing full well it will have an impact on some of you as well.  Here it is:

Spiritual disciplines are more rightly viewed as anything that stops the natural flow of sin in your life.

When I have thought of spiritual disciplines, I have always thought in terms of prayer, bible reading/memorizing, worship, etc.  Not only that, but I have thought of them in terms of making me a better, stronger Christ-follower, not in terms of stopping the flow on sin.  And so I have often struggled with what I understood were the excepted norms of spiritual disciplines without the ability to understand part of why.

I have talked for years about worship being a way of life, or a lifestyle.  Worship is not something we do as much as a they way we do it.  When we worship Christ as a way of living, everything we do is bent in this direction.  I have often quoted 17th century monk Brother Lawrence who was responsible for the wisdom of The Practice of the Presence of God and I believe was a cook in a monastery said something like “I slice carrots to the glory of God.”

That phrase has resonated with me across the years but I have seldom heard someone echo it.  This idea of stopping the flow of sin in our lives, could just as certainly be stated as directly the flow of our lives to praise.  You see, that is what God has called us to in Christ, living our lives “in a manner worthy of the gospel”. [Phil 1:27]  In this way, anything that stops the flow of sin, or starts the flow of praise, can be viewed as a spiritual discipline, in my humble estimation.

Do you see where I am going with this?  Tonight, when I kick the soccer ball around with 7-year old Josiah, that can be a spiritual discipline as I demonstrate the love of the Father to my son, and stop of the flow of potentially otherwise self-centeredness.  Don’t mistake what I am saying, I could do that, or ANY other thing for that matter, in a way that does not glorify God, or stop the flow of sin, but I will make the conscious choice, I will discipline my mind, to show Christ to my son in that moment.

What will you do today to stop the flow of sin in your life?  Read the Bible, play soccer, or something else.  May God bless your increased awareness of Him as you do.

Jesus, help me and my friends know you better as we stop the natural flow of sin in our lives and live in a manner worthy of the gospel.

In Christ,
Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Humble Obedience

Sunday morning retuning: Our guest missionary, Evan Evans, brought a strong challenge Sunday about a theology of risk. Is God stirring you to be more extreme in some area of your walk with Him? Are you trusting Him to give you the courage you need to face that risk? He’s able!

For well over a year now we have been talking about discipleship in terms of loving Jesus, growing together and serving our world. These phrases are simple yet powerful reminders of what Christ calls us to as we walk a step behind Him. I want to unpack one aspect of the first of those statements for a couple minutes. 

We explain loving Jesus in this way. We love Jesus through a lifestyle of worship, prayer and humble obedience. On first blush those first words are pretty obvious. Worship is fitting for the One who saved my soul. Prayer is crucial to nurture my faith and my relationship with the Lover of my soul. But humble obedience, that seems a little more nebulous to me. Humility is not very appealing to be honest, and obedience, well…I will sing to Jesus (only a slim dimension of my worship), and pray when things get tough ( if not at other times), but obey? This came home to me recently.

I was praying for one of my boys who had recently struggled with obeying. Not only, doing the thing, but with his attitude in it. Ever happen to you? Come on now. As I was praying fro my son, my Father spoke to me. He gently reminded me that he had recently told me to do something that I have failed to do.

Last Sunday, as Pastor Myron preached, a situation came to mind. I felt like God was telling me I should lead my family to trust God for His direction and provision by having us pray about something specifically with regard to a need we have. Nine days have passed and I have yet to bring that up. We have prayed together on numerous times since then, but I have forgotten to lead them. And the impression I had was that we should not just pray once, but pray until He did something. I did not intentional disobey, but neither did I intentionally obey. I am going to do that today.

How about you? As you grow in your love for Jesus, what is He asking of you that you need to humbly obey. You will find yourself loving Him more even as you express your love through obedience. I pray you will do it today.

Jesus, give me the courage to humbly obey what you are asking me to do. I love you and I want to show you through my humble obedience.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Show, Don’t Tell

Sunday morning retuning: Are you crying out to the Father? He wants His kingdom to come and His will to be done in you as it is in heaven. Are you aligning yourself to those purposes in prayer? If not, why not? Do it today! Right now!!

My son Samuel recently competed in a writing competition. I was there to help and was able to take in some of the orientation for the students. I was surprised at one point to hear something said matter-of-factly that I had honestly never heard before.

The teacher behind the podium said, “And remember of course” as if everyone knew this next statement, “to show, don’t tell”. I must admit. For a moment it sounded like she was speaking in another language. You know that feeling of having to go back in your mind and replay the recording so you can use the context to discern what was just spoken. Then I realized the words she said and was only slightly less confused. I had to think about this.

I am not really sure what she said for the next few minutes as I thought about what she must have meant by this phrase and it occurred to me that this made great sense as a writing technique. I had some clarity in my own mind, but wanted more. So where did I turn, you guessed it, the internet.

Google “Show, don’t’ tell” and a lot of things come up. I liked what I found at this link if you are interested in more. I have come to learn that it means to use dialogue an sensory language to bring your reader into the experience of what you are communicating. Be descriptive and specific, not vague. This is challenging to anyone who writes, including people who blog, say weekly. 

These next few weeks we are going to be looking at our discipleship process at North-Mar: loving Jesus, growing together, serving our world. As you read those words, you may be tempted to think, as I am sometimes, that you have that figured out. You know how to do those three. Give me something else. But allow me to caution you.

The proof in the pudding of what kind of discple you are may be measured well in the context of “Show, Don’t Tell”. You have heard it said, “I would rather see a sermon than to hear one any day.” The truth that drives that statement is that people want to see our faith in action, to be draw into it, not just hear about it.

So as you hear those truths these next three weeks, ask yourself, “How can I show what kind of disciple I am, rather than telling people?” I know I will be. See you Sunday.

Jesus, help me to be a disciple who is faithful to show my faith and not just talk about it. Help me to be a doer of the word and not simply one who hears then speaks it. All that You may be glorified.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kingdom Assignment

Sunday morning retuning: We have been given an assignment. The Holy Spirit it our teach. The kingdom is our classroom. What will be learn?

We were reminded Sunday, from the parable of the talents [Matthew 25:14-30], of our responsibility to use what the Lord has entrusted to our care for Him. Seems like an obvious and reasonable mandate. God has given us everything we have, so we should use it to complete His command, not only to cater to our comforts.

The elders have been praying for some time about the way this assignment would unfold in the life of our church as this experiment takes place. 50 people with 50 $100 bills. What might God do as more than just those 50 and their families talk to God about being a steward of this gift? Before I left the sanctuary Sunday I had heard a few stories of what God had done already. This is going to be quite and adventure.

I felt compelled last week to take the song that we have sung for baptisms and reorient it to this season. I feel very strongly that some people are going to be changed by this, never the same again. I want to ask you to join me praying for all those folks.

But that’s not all. I am praying for myself in this season, and I want to encourage you to do the same. You see, I do not think I have a comprehensive understanding of this stewardship thing. Actually, I know I do not. And I am equally confident you don not either. How can I be so sure, you ask? Because this side of glory, none of us arrive.

This part of the journey for us as a church is go deepen this understanding. The exciting thing is that this is not just an intellectual exercise, but instead and experiential one. May the Lord use it in our individual lives and the life of our church to take us to a new place in our understanding of not just stewardship, but the kingdom as well. Lord, be glorified.

Jesus, help us to see the things you have given as managers not owners. This changes everything. We want Your kingdom to come and Your will to be done.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Sunday morning retuning: Pretty simple challenge Sunday. Right from the words of Jesus. Why is it so difficult for us to obey it?

As our international worker was finishing the sermon Sunday this song popped into my head. I did a quick search on Rhapsody hoping to download it and play it at the end of the service but I ran out of time. I could only remember the chorus:

Make 'em wonder what you've got
Make 'em wish that they were not
On the outside looking bored
Let it shine before all men
Let'em see good works, and then
Let 'em glorify the Lord

Later when I had some time I tracked this down. The song is “Shine” by the Newsboys. Here is a youtube link to them performing this live in Houston last year I think. And here are the words for the verses. They will make you think a bit. I had to think to understand a few of them, and still trying to understand a few more.

Dull as dirt
You can't assert the kind of light
That might persuade
A strict dictator to retire
Fire the army
Teach the poor origami
The truth is in
The proof is when
You hear your heart stop asking,
"What's my motivation?"

And try as you may, there isn't a way
To explain the kind of change
That would make an Eskimo renounce fur
That would make a vegetarian barbecue hamster
Unless you can trace this about-face
To a certain sign... (Chorus)

Out of the shaker and onto the plate
It isn't Karma
It sure ain't fate
That would make a Deadhead sell his van
That would make a schizophrenic turn in his crayons
Oprah freaks
And science seeks a rationale
That shall excuse
This strange behavior

When you let it shine
You will inspire
The kind of entire turnaround
That would make a bouncer take ballet
(even bouncers who aren't happy)
But out of the glare
With nowhere to turn
You ain't gonna learn it on "What's My Line?" (Chorus)

That chorus is based on Matthew 5:14-16. If you are being challenged to shine, read and meditate on that. It will be beneficial to you I am sure.

I am tempted to say more. But I will resist that temptation, for I think you have heard enough for a Tuesday afternoon.

Jesus, You are the Light of the world (John 8:12). And you have made us the light to the world. (Matthew 5:14) Help us to shine.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jesus Is My Life

Sunday morning retuning: The message of hope Sunday was so clear. Maybe you have not yet decided to plunge in. I encourage you to do so now. The water is more than fine.

So we have begun to sing a song from the fall recording project titled, “All I Have Is Christ”. I have been looking forward to using it in our worship gatherings because the text of it is so solid. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with it, I have included a link here so you can hear it. [This is a version with an animation of obvious missonal flair, very appropriate to lead us to Sunday and our Missions Impact Weekend.]

While the verses are theologically rich, and some might say complex, the chorus is just the opposite with regard to complexity that is. It simply says, “Hallelujah! All I have is Christ. Hallelujah! Jesus is my life”. Notice is does not say, “Bummer, all I have is Christ,” as if that were some kind of disappointment. On the contrary, it is a joyful exclamation, one that it does our souls well to ponder.

That being said it is the last line that Jesus is bringing to life for me these days. “Jesus is my life.” On the one side, many a weary soul has uttered these words in desperation yet with rest and peace. There have been times when I have lipped those words, and others when I have shouted them. But what Jesus is showing me in these days while we are learning to sing and live this song is another layer. One that I would never have claimed to have figured out, but that I honestly felt I knew a little better than He is revealing to me.

You see, I am selfish. I want what I want and I want it now. Let me rephrase that more accurately. I know what I want to do, and I do not want to bother with distractions. Before you conclude that I am the worst pastor ever, hear me out.

I have realized through a number of circumstances over the last couple of weeks since we have begun to sing this wonderful song that Jesus is my life. I know, I may not be helping my case but follow my thinking. I have know for sometime and really agree with Paul when he wrote to the Galatians that, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” [2:20] But what has been happening over the last couple weeks is God has been giving me little opportunities to demonstrate that.

For example, instead of doing what I was planning on doing, God has given me opportunities to serve others in simple ways. He has also given me opportunities to show value to others, thinking more highly of them than myself. For me, this requires dying. Sometimes I do well, others not so well. That other line from the song suddenly becomes so clear, the one about living so all might see, “the strength to follow [His] commands could never come from me.

Jesus is my life. No arguments from me on that. and yet there are times when a battle for my life, my way, my will, rages within me. But I praise the Lord He is helping me see it so that I can overcome it in His strength. Jesus is my life. Hallelujah!

Jesus, You are my life. Help me to die a thousand deaths so that I can experience moreso every day that blazing and glorious reality. “And let my song forever be my only boast is You.”

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Sunday morning retuning: Tomorrow is the big day. Are you making plans? How will you respond to the challenge/encouragement?

Present tense of “withdrew.” Present and future activity for North-Mar Church. That is, if we will take up the challenge issued Sunday.

That’s an unusual word. It is the word that captured my eye last week as I prepared for the service. It captured it again on Sunday. “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” [Luke 5:16, emphasis mine]

I am so thankful that the Father did not put parameters on that for us. I am so grateful that Jesus did not include a timeline on this. I am so appreciative that the Spirit guides us into what withdrawing looks like for us, even as we follow one step behind Jesus. And if we are going to follow a step behind, it sounds like we are going to need to withdraw. Don’t you agree?

Last week in my Tunings I closed with a quick encouragement that God is unfolding plans for each of us who have responded to His call and returned to Him. In his letter to the exiles in Babylon, Jeremiah used these words to encourage the exiles that God would unfold His plan for them as well. The very next phrase is encouraging to all who have ever had the inclination, under the Holy Spirit’s influence, to, well, withdraw.

That is what He is talking about. The prophet said it this way. “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” [Jeremiah 29:12-13] I want to implore You to take God at His word.

Call on Him. Come to Him. Pray to Him. Why? Because He has promised to listen to you. The God of the universe, the Lord of the Ages, listening to you, to me. WOW! I believe it. But that’s not all. We will find God, see Him active and present in our lives, recognize Him, when we seek with all our hearts.

I confess I do not know exactly what that means, but I do not think that is the important part. I think it is simply important that we seek the best way we know how. And now we know that includes withdrawing. So let’s do it, and prepare to find God in the process. How exciting! Won’t you join me?

Jesus, show me how to withdraw. Help me know what that looks like for me tomorrow. Thank You for Your grace in my life that leads me along day by day. Help me to fix my eyes on You as I withdraw…

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, January 03, 2012


I am not typically one of those people who makes New Year’s resolutions. And that’s not because I dislike change. One of the interesting aspects of my personality is that I not only embrace change, I actually seek it out to some extent. For example, those of you who know me best know that I would rather try every restaurant in town before making a return visit to any one restaurant in particular.

That being said, I still find that there are some things that I have wanted to change for some time, but honestly have just not found the inspiration required to make the change. I set goals and accomplish some projects that are important because of the relative sense of urgency attached to them. Others that may be equally important, or maybe even more so, lack that same sense of urgency.

So if I am not going to make a resolution, but there are things that I would like to see change, what should I do? I have decided to take them to Jesus and ask Him for the inspiration and resolve to make those changes. The turn of the year seems as good a time to do that as any, so I think I will begin…again.

There are a couple of things for me that immediately come to mind that I would like to change. No one is going to make those changes for me. I need to make some decisions and modify some behaviors if I want to bring them about, but I know I can not do it on my own. I have prayed before at this time of year something like, “Jesus, make me more like you this year, so that when I turn the corner into next year I can look back and see how much I have changed.” In some seasons I have succeeded in that, but more often that I care to admit I have not. I need His help to see change begin…again.

So what are those areas in your life that you would like to see change? That you know Jesus would like to help you change? Not sure? Allow me encourage you to take a few minutes in the next couple days and ask Him. You may be surprised at what He says! Even if you are not surprised, rest assured He has your best interests in mind, for He knows the plans He has for you. [Jeremiah 29:11]

Take some time, and begin…again.

Jesus, I want to be more like You. Help me to begin that process again as this New Year begins. May it result in my becoming more like You over the next 12 months.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy