Sunday morning retuning: Two weeks from today we will cast our ballots? Are you
prepared and well-informed? There are
some resources at the North-Mar
Church website that can help.
If I see one more negative add I think I am going to scream! I understand what one CNN analyst said when he quoted some statistic about the effectiveness of negative adds to influence voters, but I would really like it if they candidates could spend more time, AND MONEY, telling me how they are the better choice based one what they will do.
And what they say they
will do should be what influences our votes in a couple weeks, but not because
of it’s impact on our pocket books so much as our conscience. We must discern where the candidates stand on
issues of morality and let this information influence us above all else. The economy, foreign policy and any other
number of issues are important, but less important than those of morality.
Even still, as I was
reminded this morning, our hope is not in the future president of our country,
but in Jesus, our Messiah. Our greatest responsibility is not even to
vote, though I plead with all of you to do so, but in living out our hope in
lives bent to his purposes.
Romney said something in
the debates last night that sounded presidential, something about believing in America , the
great hope of the world. Jesus Himself
is the great hope, and America
can be an expression of that, but we have forgotten in many ways many of the
truths this nation was founded upon, because many believers have failed to live
up to the light we have.
I saw this video
a few weeks ago, and considered showing it in our services, but decided against
it after conferring with Pastor Myron. I
think it has a positive message to it, one that I would much rather see
repeated on my television screen, even if I do not agree with every single
thought portrayed and image used. It
reminds of the promises we are hearing these days then takes a turn you do not
expect. I pray it will encourage you to
be a positive voice, in these next two weeks, and beyond…
Jesus, help us to be a
positive influence upon the world around us, even as we look to you as the
source of all Hope. Shine Your light
into our darkness, until Your glory fills our eyes.
In Christ,
Pastor Timothy
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