Tuesday, April 30, 2013

All Things New

Sunday morning retuning: Following Jesus id demanding?  Did you know Jesus has some expectations of you?  We saw a few in Luke 9:51-62 on Sunday:  mercy and commitment.  Remember the story of William Borden?  “No reserves.  No retreat.  No regrets.”  Jesus help us live this way.

A few months ago I shared some thoughts about Communion in our Inspire Service.  They came to mind as I was preparing for this weekend.  In our Engage services we are going to celebrate Communion a little differently.  It will be new.

My thoughts revolved around the verse in the Bible’s ending book.  In Revelation 21 I was struck by verse 5, "He who sits on the throne said, 'Behold, I am making all things new.'"  Note that he says, "all things new," and not "all new things."  There is some continuity implied.  In other words, He is not making from nothing things that are all new, though He is perfectly capable of doing that, like at the beginning, but rather here at the end is making existing things new. 

It implies that He will not be starting over, but rather will take what is here, existent, and remaking it in such a way that it will actually be new.  I am not talking about something used that you buy on Amazon that says “Like New”.  Oh no!  He is making all things…NEW!  I do not understand it, but I believe it will be.  I can not fathom what that will look like or feel like, but I believe it is true.

And that is really our hope, isn’t it?  An “all-new” you, not a “like new” you.  I need to be remade to be able to really enjoy all that God promises us in this New Heaven and New Earth.  I love thinking about that.  I hope you do to, but enough on that for now…on to Sunday.

I mention it because I want to encourage you to pray.  Anytime there is something new, leaders have to try to communicate clearer so as to reduce misunderstanding and confusion.  We will celebrate Communion in the body of the singing, about 15-20 minutes into the service as opposed to the end.  The young children will be dismissed and instruction will be given.  Then the choir will sing to provide time for reflection as is our custom.  We will then sing and respond, then approach the Word. 

I am excited about our encounter and want to ask you to join me as we pray through this and other new things, like our shift in paradigm for worship bands.  Jesus is on the move and we want to stay one step behind Him, in all things…old and new.

Jesus, we long for the all when you will make all things new, including us.  Give us a taste of that in our lives today, and help us to look forward to more tomorrow and every day afterwards.  In Jesus name.  Amen.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Sunday morning retuning:  So what is God calling you to do as you are going?  Great challenge from missionary to Japan, Rev. Alan Kropp on Sunday.  What was God saying to you?

I was planning for this weekends services last week as the images from the Boston Marathon and the explosion in Texas rattled through my mind.  Pastor Paul Armitage sent a link to a video that helps to put a proper perspective on all those things.  I have decided to use it this Sunday morning in our Engage services and I want to share it with you here. 

Powerful, right?  What a beautiful reminder of the work of Christ in each of our lives and the lives of every person on the planet.  In the face of the greatest atrocities known to man when can stand knowing the rescue that is possible in the greatest of all men, the Son of Man, Son of God, Jesus.  What a comfort!

But how many do not know Him and all He offers?  How many women will go to sleep tonight in Trumbull County not sure where rescue is going to come from for her and her children in the midst of their struggle?  How many addicts will run themselves ragged to get that next high, only to come down again?  How many children will go to sleep tonight not certain of when or what they will eat tomorrow?  How many men will look to another relationship/toy/bottle for the fulfillment they long for?

Will you pray with me that we continue to become a community of faith that offers that rescue, not only for souls, but for people?  Jesus is the Great Rescuer, and there are many yet to hear.  Will you pray for more workers for the harvest field…and then pick up your implement and get to work in yours?  May Sunday morning become a place where more and more people are rescued, and may we become a church that partners with the rescued and the Rescuer to complete that work in their lives.

We all need it.  Just like this song we will sing Sunday says so well.

Jesus, we need You to come to our rescue.  There is nowhere else we can go that will provide what our souls are longing for and can only find in You.  Help us to be a people and a place that propogate “rescue”.  There are many who need to hear.  In Jesus name.  Amen.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

This is Not How Things Should Be

Sunday morning retuning:  How is the surrendering going today?  If you heard the voice of God on Sunday, then you must respond.  Remember to surrender your self-importance, today and everyday, so you may be free to humbly depend on the Lord.

That was the first thing that came to mind as I watched the news coverage following the Boston Bombing yesterday.  As I watched the images of the explosions followed by people scurrying for safety, I could not get out of my mind that this is not right.  There were people who verbalized this thought, but they meant it in a different way.  “The Boston Marathon is supposed to be about the charities benefitted”, “A day of celebration for the city of Boston”, etc.  But I was not thinking about charities and cities, but instead the benefit that is waiting for those who are longing for the heavenly celebration.

You see, this [that is the world as we currently experience it with all its pain and tears] is not what God designed, nor what He will redesign.  Instead we experience each and every day some degree of the tension that exists in a selfish existence.  Not sure if anyone else will take of them, people strive to care for themselves and their interests.  It started in the Garden of Eden and continues to this day.

A much better existence is waiting for us.  This is not all there is, though we are often guilty of living like it is.  If you hear what I am saying, then I have two questions which I encourage you to ponder.  1.) What are you doing to prepare for heaven?  And 2.) What are you doing to help prepare others for heaven?

If you think that others, including unbelievers, are not grappling with the big questions of life, God, and eternity, think again.  I was reminded of that as I watched this clip from a major league baseball player yesterday, with the last name of none other than Revere, Pray for Boston.  Indeed, pray for the people of Boston and the many lives impacted yesterday, but don’t stop there. 

Do you see the big picture?  Prepare yourself for heaven today, and help prepare someone else as well.

Can you see yourself finishing your race?  Picture yourself coming up on that Great Finish Line surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses. [Hebrews 12:1-2]  They are encouraging you to press on.  But as you give that last push to finish strong, will you stop and help another who seems close but is dazed and confused and not sure which way to go?  There were some very encouraging images in the midst of the chaos yesterday, everyday people serving in extraordinary ways surrounded by terrible circumstances. 

Will you help someone today by pointing out the Finish Line, and maybe even helping them across?  Be warned: It’s messy and potential dangerous, but well worth the risk. 

Jesus, help us fix our eyes on You.  Laying aside our self-importance, give us eyes to see the people around us who need help.  Keep our eyes on You even as we do.  In Jesus name.  Amen.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Resurrection Power

Sunday morning retuning:  What a glorious Easter Sunday morning!  Thanks to all who participated/served.  Thank You Jesus for giving us something to celebrate!

I spoke briefly with a couple of folks who recommitted to following Jesus at the close of the services Sunday.  I encouraged them to take it one step at a time and walk in the power of the resurrection which Jesus makes available to all who desire to take Him up on His near-ridiculous offer of freedom from the penalty of sin.  I want to be counted among the few who do.  Do you?

I read these words this morning and wanted to share them with you as you continue to bask in the glory revealed when we were last together in His Presence.

Since the day that Jesus first appeared on the scene, we have developed vast theological systems, organized world-wide churches, filled libraries with brilliant Christological scholarship , engaged in earth-shattering controversies and embarked on crusades, reforms, and renewals.  Yet there are still precious few if us with sufficient folly to make the made exchange of everything for Christ; only a remnant with the confidence to risk everything on the gospel of grace; only a minority a minority who stagger about with the delirious joy of the man who found the buried treasure.*

These words really struck me when I read them, especially so since we just encountered Jesus in such a powerful way just a couple days ago.  Nothing wrong with the first part of the list, but the latter is essential.  Does this kind of requisite folly, confidence and joy characterize your life today?  I know I want it to characterize mine. 

*If you would like to know where this quote came from because you just have to read more, let me know and I will forward a link on to you, but it may not be until next week.

Jesus, fill me/us with sufficient folly, confidence and joy to risk everything on this gospel of grace.  Help us to know how to walk in it today, for Your glory and our good.  In Jesus name.  Amen. 

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Just Visiting

Sunday morning retuning:  I was not at North-Mar on Sunday but I have heard good reports of what God was up to.  Wherever you were, what was God saying to you?  Are you acting on that or sitting on it?  If you have heard the voice of God, you must respond.

I am going to take my own advice.  I was visiting another church while on vacation Sunday.  I like to do this for a number of reasons and want to encourage you to do the same when you are away from you home church.  One reason is the fresh perspective I often walk away with coupled with a marveling at the diversity within the body of Christ.  It always makes me thankful for my church and its unique role in completing the Great Commission.

This weekend I visited a church in Morgantown, West Virginia that I have worked with in the past and so I have many dear friends there.  Not the least of which is their Head Pastor, Rev. Kevin Cain.  He began a new sermon series Sunday and used a video that God used in conjunction with the Scripture to really stir my heart.  I want to share that video and some thoughts with you.

The series is called “Will You Be A Trader?”  Not to be confused with Traitor.  You will understand better if you watch the video.  Please take 2 ½ minutes and read it.  I am certain you will be glad you did.

He spent the next while using Scripture to unpack this idea and look particularly at the first of four basic concepts contained in this video.  The notes in the youtube link spell those out like this.

A Trader is a new kind of missionary, not defined by geography, but by a resolve to:

1. Choose Daily
2. Hate Injustice
3. Work as Worship
4. Act Swiftly


From Luke 20:20-26 came the challenge.  Pastor Kevin put it this way, “Will I trade that which is selfish, temporal and Caesars for that which is selfless, eternal and God’s?” BAM!  What a question!  “How will you live out your existence?”  “We can not receive salvation and shift into auto-pilot!” 

So much resonated with me.  So much was akin to things God has been challenging me about personally and pastorally.  I wonder what God might want to say to you today?  You know you are just visiting here, right?  There is an eternal abode waiting for you.  Are you living like this is all there is, or like the best is yet to come? 

Jesus, help me to trade that which is selfish and temporal for that which is selfless and eternal that the glory of the Father may be seen in me!  

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy