Tuesday, April 16, 2013

This is Not How Things Should Be

Sunday morning retuning:  How is the surrendering going today?  If you heard the voice of God on Sunday, then you must respond.  Remember to surrender your self-importance, today and everyday, so you may be free to humbly depend on the Lord.

That was the first thing that came to mind as I watched the news coverage following the Boston Bombing yesterday.  As I watched the images of the explosions followed by people scurrying for safety, I could not get out of my mind that this is not right.  There were people who verbalized this thought, but they meant it in a different way.  “The Boston Marathon is supposed to be about the charities benefitted”, “A day of celebration for the city of Boston”, etc.  But I was not thinking about charities and cities, but instead the benefit that is waiting for those who are longing for the heavenly celebration.

You see, this [that is the world as we currently experience it with all its pain and tears] is not what God designed, nor what He will redesign.  Instead we experience each and every day some degree of the tension that exists in a selfish existence.  Not sure if anyone else will take of them, people strive to care for themselves and their interests.  It started in the Garden of Eden and continues to this day.

A much better existence is waiting for us.  This is not all there is, though we are often guilty of living like it is.  If you hear what I am saying, then I have two questions which I encourage you to ponder.  1.) What are you doing to prepare for heaven?  And 2.) What are you doing to help prepare others for heaven?

If you think that others, including unbelievers, are not grappling with the big questions of life, God, and eternity, think again.  I was reminded of that as I watched this clip from a major league baseball player yesterday, with the last name of none other than Revere, Pray for Boston.  Indeed, pray for the people of Boston and the many lives impacted yesterday, but don’t stop there. 

Do you see the big picture?  Prepare yourself for heaven today, and help prepare someone else as well.

Can you see yourself finishing your race?  Picture yourself coming up on that Great Finish Line surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses. [Hebrews 12:1-2]  They are encouraging you to press on.  But as you give that last push to finish strong, will you stop and help another who seems close but is dazed and confused and not sure which way to go?  There were some very encouraging images in the midst of the chaos yesterday, everyday people serving in extraordinary ways surrounded by terrible circumstances. 

Will you help someone today by pointing out the Finish Line, and maybe even helping them across?  Be warned: It’s messy and potential dangerous, but well worth the risk. 

Jesus, help us fix our eyes on You.  Laying aside our self-importance, give us eyes to see the people around us who need help.  Keep our eyes on You even as we do.  In Jesus name.  Amen.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

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