Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Next Step

Sunday morning retuning: After some stories from the Dominican Republic from our guest Rick Romano, Pastor Myron issued a strong challenge, “What is your next step?”  The question was not is there a next step for each of us, but WHAT it is.  Maybe you made a commitment Sunday, or maybe you are still listening to where Jesus wants to lead you to take that next step.  I pray for you who are reading this that you will allow the Spirit to give you the courage to take it, wherever He leads!
So can you answer that question?  “What is your next step?”  Honestly, as we are following Jesus, we should be, in some measure constantly asking Him where it should be.  Sometimes He leads us to march in a particular direction and we can see a significant part of the journey before us.  Sometimes not.  Even still, we should keep asking where to put our foot next as we...

I once heard that word from Matthew 28:19 could more accurately be translated, “As you are going…”  That really resonated in my spirit.  As I am going, wherever I happen to follow, I need to be about God’s business.  This speaks of the constant motion and change that I believe must characterize the normal Christian life.  On that note, let me change directions.

What is our next step as we move forward together one step behind Jesus in our Sunday morning Engage services?  There has been an obvious stirring over the last month and a half as many have commented on the moving of the Spirit of God.  I am tempted to want to contribute this feeling to any number of single factors, or the cumulative effect of them, but I am trying to guard my heart. We are following Jesus, and I am really enjoying where He has us on Sunday mornings, but as is my penchant I am asking the question, “What’s next?”

I do not ask for the sake of novelty.  I do not ask because I am afraid we will lose this feeling.  I do not ask because I am concerned how people will react if this collective sense of God’s presence changes.  I ask because I want to follow Jesus by loving Him well and helping His people do the same.

We have used this image in the past to help us visualize the idea of following Jesus.  I like it in part because it pictures Jesus on the move.  I think our tendency is to say, “Jesus, this place is nice could we just stay here with you awhile.”  And though I think there are times He graciously says “Yes.  Let’s stop and rest and enjoy each others company.” I think there are also times when Jesus would gently urge us, "I know this place is nice but we are headed to a better place. Come with me. “

Though we know this is true ultimately with the place He's preparing for us in heaven, I wonder if we are equally willing to accept the fact that there are better places with Him here on earth than we have currently experienced. Of course not all of those are geographical references either.
Where we are on Sunday mornings right now is a really nice place.  But what if Jesus is gently saying to us, "I have a better place just down the road. Will you come with me?"  Are we willing to keep moving with Jesus, or do we like the place we are right now too much?  I really like where we are, but I want more.  I have enjoyed the last six weeks or so, but I want more of the Spirit, more Jesus, more of His glory.  Don't you? Then let's take the next step.
Jesus keep me on the move. As we are moving, help us to continue to take others  with us, that  your kingdom may grow in our hearts and through our lives every day in every way as we take each step, always one behind you.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Fall Fruit

Sunday morning retuning: Good challenge Sunday from the Scripture as we each endeavor to walk in the light, love and Spirit of our God.  Are you keeping these things in the closet, or letting them out for all the world to see?

This is my favorite time of year!  Falling leaves, football, and fruit.  Yes, fruit!  (This could be a photo from where I grew up!)

I was standing in a pumpkin patch recently thinking about how much I love this season.  As is often the case with me, as I reflected I wondered why that is.  I love how the seasons remind us of the cycle of life, birth, growth, decline, and death, and the even bigger cycle this yearly journey points us to.

I thought what it would be like to be in the Autumn of life, since I feel like I am in the summer still, but can see the fall approaching with ever increasing speed.  I wondered if I could still be fruitful as the wind turns cold and most things are beginning to die.  I tried to think of what fruit comes in this season, and suddenly standing there in the midst of 500 or so pumpkins it occurred to me.  Yes, I am a little dense sometimes…

Of course there is fruit to be enjoyed even in this late season of the cycle of life!  And big fruit at that!!

Later as I was trying to recall what scripture might say about this I was reminded of a verse I learned early in my walk with Jesus, and came across again recently.  I meaning has become more rich to me over the years and even has increased meaning in this season when we have been praying “Show Us Your Glory!”  Hosea 10:12 says,

Sow righteousness for yourselves,
    reap the fruit of unfailing love,
and break up your unplowed ground;
    for it is time to seek the Lord,
until he comes
    and showers his righteousness on you.

We must sow righteousness and we will reap love.  But did you see that next line.  We must break up our unplowed ground.  What fallow ground is there in your soul?  Ask the Spirit to show you where you may have become hard, then ask Him to break it up.

I learned the other day that a week after you plant a pumpkin seed the leaves will break through the earth.  A week!  But we must break up the ground and sow if we have any hope of reaping.  What fruit might you bear next week if you are willing to the work this week?

Jesus, we are seeking You, Your glory and Your power.  We will break up our unplowed ground, and plant seeds, all the while waiting on You to shower Your righteousness on us.   Do it Lord, in Jesus name.  Amen.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, October 01, 2013


Sunday morning retuning: In our 10:45 Engage service, Ken Young shared about his recent mission trip to Germany.  He was posed a probing question which he repeated for us. “What is your motivation?”  It is a good question for us to ask ourselves who are endeavoring to walk a step behind Jesus.

I was talking with a friend last week about hearing and listening.  As is my custom during most of my normal workday, I had my Bluetooth earpiece in and connected or paired to my phone.  My friend was talking about some encouragement he had shared with a young believer without realizing that a few of her friends standing with her were not believers.  He commented that they got to hear it, whether they were listening or not. 

There was something about what he said that made me recall those times when I was able to provide counsel or encouragement to someone while simultaneously having the experience of God giving me what needed to be said.  I told him it reminded me of times when I was talking on my Bluetooth and others around me did not realize it.  I began to ponder the similarities of Bluetooth with our connection to Jesus.

So we are on the same page, allow me to offer a simple explanation of Bluetooth.  It is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances from fixed and mobile devices, creating personal area networks with high levels of security.  Our connection with Jesus is wireless.  It allows us to exchange data or information over short distances, and long ones as well.  Both Jesus and we are fixed at times and mobile at others.  We are thus networked with Jesus personally with the highest level of security imaginable.

One of the reasons I like to use this technology is because it allows me to communicate with my hands free, just like with Jesus.  It gives me immediate access by keeping me connected, even when no information is being exchanged, or the connection in otherwise idle.  I am always connected, or paired as they say it with Bluetooth. 

There are some other interesting parallels.  Others do not know when I am connected and listening to someone, just like with Jesus, although there should always be at least the evidence of a possible connection.  One of the key things here is that others never know when I may be receiving information through Bluetooth, and likewise with Jesus.

Again, like last week, I am not advocating acquiring or using this tool, though I think it is immensely helpful, but rather that here is another perspective on our listening to Jesus.  It gives us fresh insight into how marvelous this access we have to Jesus really is.  It reminds us how easy it is for us to take it for granted.  It should encourage us to make the most of the ability to hear from Jesus by actually listening to Him, even when there may be other voices calling for our attention.

Jesus, we want to stay connected to You always.  We want to hear Your voice and obey what You are calling us to do.   In Jesus name.  Amen.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy