Tuesday, October 01, 2013


Sunday morning retuning: In our 10:45 Engage service, Ken Young shared about his recent mission trip to Germany.  He was posed a probing question which he repeated for us. “What is your motivation?”  It is a good question for us to ask ourselves who are endeavoring to walk a step behind Jesus.

I was talking with a friend last week about hearing and listening.  As is my custom during most of my normal workday, I had my Bluetooth earpiece in and connected or paired to my phone.  My friend was talking about some encouragement he had shared with a young believer without realizing that a few of her friends standing with her were not believers.  He commented that they got to hear it, whether they were listening or not. 

There was something about what he said that made me recall those times when I was able to provide counsel or encouragement to someone while simultaneously having the experience of God giving me what needed to be said.  I told him it reminded me of times when I was talking on my Bluetooth and others around me did not realize it.  I began to ponder the similarities of Bluetooth with our connection to Jesus.

So we are on the same page, allow me to offer a simple explanation of Bluetooth.  It is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances from fixed and mobile devices, creating personal area networks with high levels of security.  Our connection with Jesus is wireless.  It allows us to exchange data or information over short distances, and long ones as well.  Both Jesus and we are fixed at times and mobile at others.  We are thus networked with Jesus personally with the highest level of security imaginable.

One of the reasons I like to use this technology is because it allows me to communicate with my hands free, just like with Jesus.  It gives me immediate access by keeping me connected, even when no information is being exchanged, or the connection in otherwise idle.  I am always connected, or paired as they say it with Bluetooth. 

There are some other interesting parallels.  Others do not know when I am connected and listening to someone, just like with Jesus, although there should always be at least the evidence of a possible connection.  One of the key things here is that others never know when I may be receiving information through Bluetooth, and likewise with Jesus.

Again, like last week, I am not advocating acquiring or using this tool, though I think it is immensely helpful, but rather that here is another perspective on our listening to Jesus.  It gives us fresh insight into how marvelous this access we have to Jesus really is.  It reminds us how easy it is for us to take it for granted.  It should encourage us to make the most of the ability to hear from Jesus by actually listening to Him, even when there may be other voices calling for our attention.

Jesus, we want to stay connected to You always.  We want to hear Your voice and obey what You are calling us to do.   In Jesus name.  Amen.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

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