Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Just Visiting

Sunday morning retuning:  I was not at North-Mar on Sunday but I have heard good reports of what God was up to.  Wherever you were, what was God saying to you?  Are you acting on that or sitting on it?  If you have heard the voice of God, you must respond.

I am going to take my own advice.  I was visiting another church while on vacation Sunday.  I like to do this for a number of reasons and want to encourage you to do the same when you are away from you home church.  One reason is the fresh perspective I often walk away with coupled with a marveling at the diversity within the body of Christ.  It always makes me thankful for my church and its unique role in completing the Great Commission.

This weekend I visited a church in Morgantown, West Virginia that I have worked with in the past and so I have many dear friends there.  Not the least of which is their Head Pastor, Rev. Kevin Cain.  He began a new sermon series Sunday and used a video that God used in conjunction with the Scripture to really stir my heart.  I want to share that video and some thoughts with you.

The series is called “Will You Be A Trader?”  Not to be confused with Traitor.  You will understand better if you watch the video.  Please take 2 ½ minutes and read it.  I am certain you will be glad you did.

He spent the next while using Scripture to unpack this idea and look particularly at the first of four basic concepts contained in this video.  The notes in the youtube link spell those out like this.

A Trader is a new kind of missionary, not defined by geography, but by a resolve to:

1. Choose Daily
2. Hate Injustice
3. Work as Worship
4. Act Swiftly


From Luke 20:20-26 came the challenge.  Pastor Kevin put it this way, “Will I trade that which is selfish, temporal and Caesars for that which is selfless, eternal and God’s?” BAM!  What a question!  “How will you live out your existence?”  “We can not receive salvation and shift into auto-pilot!” 

So much resonated with me.  So much was akin to things God has been challenging me about personally and pastorally.  I wonder what God might want to say to you today?  You know you are just visiting here, right?  There is an eternal abode waiting for you.  Are you living like this is all there is, or like the best is yet to come? 

Jesus, help me to trade that which is selfish and temporal for that which is selfless and eternal that the glory of the Father may be seen in me!  

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

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