Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hope, Fear and Jesus

Sunday morning retuning: Jesus wants to use us to declare His love and truth.  The kids reminded us of this powerful, challenging reality of the Incarnation as they shared in word and song in their musical.  Are you making yourself available to Jesus to use for His purposes?

I have been pondering some other words in the last week and plan to give all who attend our Christmas Eve Services next Monday a chance to join me.  We will read the Christmas story from Luke 2 and sing a number of carols that allow us to consider these marvelous realities.  The children will hear a special story from Ms. Robin.  Then we will take some time to think.  After all, thinking can be worship too.

I will ask everyone to consider the hopes that heap up in their hearts on Christmas Eve and as we round out one year and look into the next.  Christmas is such a hopeful time for many.  The fact that God sent His Son, the Light, into this dark world is cause for rejoicing.  What hopes fill your heart this Advent season?

Next I will ask everyone to consider the fears that shift like shadows in their souls at the dark time of the year.  Christmas is such a fearful time for many.  The fact that God sent His Son, the King, into this scary world gives us hope, but we still have fears, and His Incarnation helps Him empathize with us.  What fears fill your soul this Advent season?

Finally I will ask everyone to consider Jesus.  All our hopes are realized and our fears overcome in Him.  Our understanding of who He is greatly shapes our ability to rest in Him, or not.  What ideas of Jesus are alive in you this Advent season?

Here is a link to Chris Tomlin singing the song and the words for you to ponder.  Merry Christmas!

Hallowed Manger Ground (Chris Tomlin and Ed Cash)
Verse 1
What hope we hold this starlit night
A King is born in Bethlehem
Our journey long we seek the light
That leads to the hallowed manger ground

Verse 2

What fear we felt in the silent age
Four-hundred years can He be found
But broken by a baby's cry
Rejoice in the hallowed manger ground

Chorus 1

Emmanuel Emmanuel
God incarnate here to dwell
Emmanuel Emmanuel
Praise His name Emmanuel

Verse 3

The Son of God here born to bleed
A crown of thorns would pierce His brow
And we beheld this offering
Exalted now the King of kings
Praise God for the hallowed manger ground.

Jesus, it is Your presence that made that manger ground holy.  It is Your presence that makes us likewise.  We praise Your name, Emmanuel, God with us.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

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