Sunday morning retuning: Pastor Paul Armitage reminded us that Jesus sees what we offer to Him. He is more interested in our hearts than any outward expression. How will you grow in your giving your heart to Jesus. If you are not sure, maybe you can find some inspiration here.
That really resonated with me for couple of reasons. First of all, I heard someone say a while back that if you have to leave an animal at home for extended periods of time it's a good idea to leave the radio on to stimulate their minds and keep them used to hearing human voices.To me this seems like a great idea so I grabbed a small boombox that we were not putting to good use and put it in the room where we leave our dog. What was interesting to me was what a difference it made in the reception based on the direction the antenna was pointed.
Then, as I was pondering this idea over the last week I heard someone else speak generally of spiritual discipline, calling it spiritual practice. They likened spiritual practice to that of an athlete with basketball or musician with scales. The point of the practice is not the practice itself, but the skill that is developed especially when one practices well.
So what does this mean for us? It is crucial for us to listen well to our Masters voice. We simply cannot lead ourselves well with confidence unless we have developed our ability to listen The point of practicing our listening is not the practice, but to get better at listening. Then, even when any number of things are swirling around you you can still discern the voice of God.
Are you developing this ability? In order to follow God, one step behind Jesus, we must be able to hear his voice. We cannot do this if we are not listening. Take some time today to listen. Open the Scriptures. Read and pray. Worship and wait. Learn how to put your antenna up, and keep it there!
Jesus, teach me how to listen. This is my prayer, my desperate cry. In these days I'm living, I want Your kingdom to come and Your will to be done, so help me hear Your voice as I give you my life, my heart. In Jesus name. Amen.
In Christ,
Pastor Timothy
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