Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Have You Seen Jesus Lately?

Last weekend we shared a work entitled "I've Seen Jesus". While it centered about five encounters that Jesus' disciples has shortly after the Resurrection, the musical turned on the synopsis of each of these encounters and our response to them. This was captured with the question, "Why 2,000 years later, are we still so slow to embrace the presence of our risen Lord in our lives?

Here were the synopses:

Perhaps, like Mary Magdalene, we may be blinded by personal pain, unable to see Him clearly through our tears--until He calls us by name.

Perhaps, like the two travelers on the road to Emmaus, we can become so consumed in daily worries, we don't realize He is always walking beside us, desiring our fellowship.

Perhaps, like the disciples, we have hidden ourselves behind locked doors, hesitant to proclaim His name to a hostile world-until He is suddenly there among is, saying, "Peace be with you."

Perhaps, like Thomas, we can easily become hardened skeptics. demanding physical evidence of Christ's claims-forgetting that Jesus offers spiritual assurance beyond any temporal proof.When we believe without seeing, we are, indeed blessed.

And perhaps, like Peter, we let our past failings rob us of the conviction that we can still serve Christ-until we face the Cross and know we are forgiven, forever.

Perhaps...perhaps something has been keeping you from seeing Jesus. Perhaps you need to deal with that so that you can see Him clearly, again. Perhaps.

Jesus we want to see you clearly and often, but there are a lot of things that divert our attention. Rather, wold you allow those things to drive us to You and not away. We are desperate for you, more than we realize.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

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