Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Working to Resolve the Issue

Sunday morning retuning: Remember, you may be facing some very difficult circumstances. Even financially the outlook may look bleak. Simply remember, “But God…” That tends to alter our perspective when we factor Him into the equation.

Dear Worshipers,

I am thankful for the myriad of talented, passionate people around me who help me exalt the Lord Jesus week in and week out. One in particular I am thankful for this week is our Audio Coordinator, Todd Maki. We have been working for some time to balance the choir and instruments on Sunday morning, and this past Sunday was evidence that we have not conquered that issue yet. Todd wanted to speak to you directly to bring you up to speed on where we are with this issue. Rest assured we are seeking the best solution for this issue.

Hello everyone,

I wanted to drop a quick note to address a reoccurring, and extremely valid concern. Namely; ….ahem…."I CAN'T HEAR THE CHOIR". Again, it's an extremely valid concern that has been expressed by quite a few people, and most likely thought by many who have not expressed it. I would assume that the following questions would logically be asked, so I thought that I would state them, and offer an explanation:

1. "Why don't the sound guys simply turn their microphone levels up?" Extremely fair, valid and reasonable question, that has an equally valid and solid answer: we can't. I don't mean that we're at max volume with the microphones (they can go 10 times louder). I mean that because of the poor acoustics of the sanctuary, we're not able to raise the levels of the choir mics any louder without having them feed back (making that really annoying "chimey" sound that sounds like a high pitched whistle). Each Sunday is a wresting match to try to get as much volume out of the choir mics without them feeding back. The next logical question could be asked:

2. "I understand. So…..why don't we fix the acoustic problems in the sanctuary"? As far as I understand it, while some of the prohibitive reasons might have been financial in the past, that is not necessarily the case at present - from what I understand, there have been some funds allocated directly towards this - which helps immensely. So, onward: We were in contact with one man who seemed to have a lot of expertise, that we were looking forward to hire to do the job. But for various reasons, he was not able to. He referred us to a company that he thought would be a good match. We waited quite some time to hear back from this company…and then staggered at the potential 100,000 estimate. Yes….that's how Timothy and I responded as well. So, in a nutshell, each time we get in contact with a new potential person trained in acoustics, it somehow doesn't seem to work out….

3. "So…..what are you going to do about it?"- We're NOT giving up! I'm asking the "me" to turn into "we". Choir - I'm challenging all of you to pray with me, and with Timothy, that the Lord will bring the right person to our church, who has the expertise, insight and knowledge on how to fix our troublesome acoustics - and search as well. Ask around at other large churches, and friends of friends. Any insight that you all might have, please feel free to send out my telephone number and have them contact me directly.

In a nutshell : please be patient with the low volume of the choir until we can find the right person/solution to fix the acoustics - and help us find one!

Jesus, we want to make Your praise glorious. Would you help us discern the cause of this balance issue and deal with it, whether with acoustic treatments, new equipment, a combination of these or something else. Please give us wisdom Lord, particularly to Todd and Timothy.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

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