Sunday morning retuning: Are you allowing God to redirect your heart with the money in your hand. Following “One Step Behind Jesus” takes on a whole new meaning when we take out the extra in our wallets, doesn’t it. I am so excited about the Spirit’s work in our midst. Embrace it with me.
Dear Worshipers,
That word has a lot of different meanings. More than I at first realized as I sat in church the first weekend of the New Year. Of course at the beginning of the year the one that comes to mind is setting in our minds that we will do this or that. But there are several others.
Of course, the main ones for us in our little musical world revolve the progression of a voice part or of the harmony as a whole from a dissonance to a consonance. Resolution is also the term used to describe the tone or chord to which the dissonance is resolved. In other words, the tension that results when a chord is suspended finds its release when the chord is resolved. Tenors often have this as they more from a fourth to a third in a chord. It’s the “Ah-h-h-h-h” moment in music, time and time again.
There can be a resolution to the same note, but that is not nearly as “enjoyable” as when the tension is resolved into a harmony or chord. Unison may seem to be the preferred ideal, but I have a different perspective on that. When resolution comes, it may not end up being the same note, but one that sounds good and creates something possibly even more beautiful than unison or the exact same note.
When there is that dissonance, there is a longing for it to be resolved. Even the untrained ear can hear it. There is something that longs for consonance deep in our souls. Resolution meets that longing.
That idea of dissonance to consonance is the constant in many of the different uses of this word. Coming to a place where the tension is resolved, even if not in sharing the exact same view. Truth be told, no two of us think exactly alike. Best friend or spouse. So this longing for resolution is a constant for all of us, in all our relationships.
A solution, accommodation, or settling of a problem, controversy, etc. Resolution. So maybe you are longing for resolution. I know I am. I am praying fro it even today. For me, for you. May Jesus be glorified in all our resolutions…
Jesus, consonance out of our dissonance. Resolve the things in our lives that are suspended. Ease tensions. Create harmony. We believe You can do this, and are trusting you for it.
In Christ,
Pastor Timothy
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