Dear Worshippers,
Compassion - a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.
Compels - to force or drive, esp. to a course of action
This spring I began to learn some lessons about gentleness. I am not going to pretend that I have learned them well, or that I have finished learning them. I am a work in progress.
When I think about compassion, it’s kind of difficult for me to get beyond the other common word contained within it: passion. Passion - any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling. I feel like I am a passionate person. Maybe it is the artist in me but often my emotions are just below the surface and it does not take much for them to boil up within me to the point of overflow, driving me at times to a course of action. I am thankful for this, because I believe it the way God made me.
However, as He is remaking me I realize my need for compassion. I feel strongly about the things I feel strongly about, if you know what I mean. I want to feel strongly about the things God feels strongly about. Primarily by this I mean the misfortunes of those around me, particularly there spiritual misfortune, but certainly not limited to that.
As I think about being compelled, I would have to admit that more often that not it is my passions that compel me more than my compassion. I want this to change. I want to I want my reactions and responses to be characterized by compassion.
I know that this will require a fairly radical shift in the way I think. I know this will not be easy. I know that it will be an adventure. I know Jesus will help me.
So how about you? Is your pole baited with a worm as you go out fishing every day? Is your tongue filled the words of God, or with your words? Are you fishing, or are you just stirring the water with an empty hook? What changes will you have to allow Jesus to make to make you a better fisher of men?
For me, it’s gentle compassion. For you, it might be boldness. For others, willingness. Whatever it is, let Jesus do it in you and may His compassion compel you.
Jesus, I want your compassion to be what compels me. Make be passionate about the things You are passionate about, then fill my tongue with your words because there are some people in my life that need to hear.
In Christ,
Pastor Timothy
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