Sunday morning retuning: Pastor Myron Daum reminded us of the need we have to worship Jesus with integrity. What’s your next step as you think about integrating honoring Christ with your entire life? If you are not sure, maybe you will discover it here.
We got a new puppy a few weeks ago. She is adorable. That's not just my opinion, but the opinion of frankly every person who is laid eyes on her. She came from the Animal Welfare League and was one of a litter of five strays that shared the name Eclipse at the shelter. She was Eclipse D, but her name has since become Luna. She is bright and mysterious. Can't you see it?
Obedience training has been a fascinating journey with this little one, in a sense a microcosm of what we have done with the boys on a grand scale over the last 15 years. Several things stand out to me. She has a mind of her own. She has little interest and obeying unless there is an immediate reward. She wants to know her place in the pack. She's very affectionate. She sometimes has a great deal of trouble staying focused.
At this point it occurs to me that she's exhibiting characteristics which can often be used to describe me. And my journey is not unique. I share these common maladies with my friends of the human race, as well as those of the canine world.these things are true not only of us, but of those we read about in Scripture.
I was reminded of this recently after relocating Luna’s stake in our backyard. I apparently put it a little too close to a couple of obstacles which she summarily tangled herself around in short order. I went out and helped her free herself.
One of the boys asked me why she couldn't figure out how to untangle herself, a question I was wondering myself. I replied to him that she didn't have the perspective required to see the easy solution out of her problem. He put it in his own words by saying she wasn't tall enough to see where to go. Reminds me of the verse, “My thoughts are not your thoughts nor are my ways your ways.” God can see things much better than we can.
Now before you think of her tether in terms of sin exclusively, may I gently propose that we can tangle ourselves up in good things as well as bad ones? When can get bound up trying to be holy until we are just as trapped in legalism, having simply traded one tether for another. So be careful as you answer the question of the day, “Why has you tangled up?”
If you are in Christ, know you are free. Galatians 5:1 puts it very plainly. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” If you are feeling like little Luna, there is something you can do about it. Trust Christ, the One who has purchased your freedom, as ask the Holy Spirit to help you walk in it to the glory of the Father. What better way to have integrity in your worship/life than to walk in freedom!?!
Only minutes after the previous encounter I looked out again to see that she had not only tangled herself around the same post, but had gone so far in her attempts to free herself that she pulled it out of the ground. I did not include a picture of this, because I want you instead to imagine the freedom Christ has made available to you. Christian, you can not set yourself free. Trust Christ today and walk in that which He provides.
Jesus, thank You for setting us free by taking our sin on Yourself. “This is amazing grace, this is unfailing love, that You would take my place, bearing my cross, laying down your life THAT I COULD BE SET FREE! Jesus I sing for all that You’ve done….for me”. In Jesus name. Amen.
In Christ,
Pastor Timothy
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