Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The President’s Coming!

Sunday morning retuning:  So are you asking Jesus to open the eyes of your heart today?  Do not be like the disciples who refused to see, but instead like the blind man who did as Christ responded to his plea!  What is your plea?  Where/how do you need to see Jesus?  Ask Him to show Himself to you in that circumstance today!
“We do not need smaller problems.  We need a bigger view of God.”  President of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Rev. John Stumbo.

This was a line tucked into a powerful message from our President in his monthly video blog for September.  He raised our awareness to the magnitude of the problems our world is facing, and asked us about unique challenges in our lives.  He took us to Jeremiah to examine how God spoke to the prophet to encourage Him in his struggle.  It was a powerful word for licensed Alliance workers, but which I truly will resonate with anyone connected to an Alliance work.  If you are interested, you can view the video here.

I share this with you for a few reasons.  It will give you a glimpse into this man’s heart who will be our guest the first weekend of October.  If you have not yet considered reading one of his books for sale at church, it might encourage you to do so.  

It also helped to pull together a number of themes that have been swirling in my mind for the last week, primarily discipleship and calling.  Now before you dismiss the latter to those who are called to vocational ministry, let me define the first as it was described at the annual conference of the Central District last week.  Here are two to consider:  a disciple is a follower of Christ who displays the character and priorities of Christ, and disciple-making is the process of walking with another in their Christ-like formation in character and priorities.

I assume the former resonates with you, and I pray the latter will as well.  I believe you want to follow one step behind Jesus, and that means displaying the character and priorities of Jesus, though that is not easy.  If you are willing to embrace that, then there is a logical next step.  You could sum up Jesus priorities in a number of ways, but let’s think in terms of Great Commandment [Matthew 22:37-40]  and Great Commission [Matthew 28:19-20] as we have dubbed them.  Love God and love others is a simplification of the first, and make disciples, the latter.  This is the calling of every Christ follower.

I was challenged by these definitions.  I want to be a disciple, but that implies that I will be making other disciples.  What does that look like?  It means simply helping others follow Jesus, even while I am still learning to do the same.  There are some ahead of me who I am following, and others behind who are looking to me.  It also, means I am even leading myself well.  I want to be making disciples, who are making disciples, so let’s encourage each other in this pursuit by answering a couple questions.

Who are you following?  I hope you answer Jesus, but who is in your life who you look to to help you walk through the process of becoming more like Jesus.  If you can not name someone, I want to encourage you to do so soon.  On the other hand, who is following you.  Who have you come alongside and said essentially, follow me as I follow Christ?  If you can not answer that one either, I want to encourage you again. Identify someone and do it.

I know we are all busy, but I want to encourage you to be more like Jesus tomorrow than today, and I really believe this is a part of how we partner with the Holy Spirit to make that happen.  If you are overwhelmed by this call, then watch John’s video above and be encouraged.  

Jesus, you have called us not only to be disciples, but to make them!  This is a huge responsibility, but whom You call, you equip. Fill us with Your Spirit, and use us for your glory.  In Jesus name.  Amen.
In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

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