Tuesday, September 02, 2014

God’s Stories

Sunday morning retuning:  God has put some things in motion for us, since the foundations of the earth.  We who are His masterpieces, His handiwork, His craftsmanship.  Are you embracing the fullness of what God has in store for you.  Hopefully Sunday’s message and Adreanne Zeleny’s thoughts below will help you move along in that great journey.  [Thanks for being our guest contributor this week.]

Writing has always been a profound aspect of my creative life. I can recall writing and illustrating stories from the time I could spell proficiently, with the help of a dictionary close by (the days before Google!). I loved creating characters and bringing them to life through words and art. My stories involved anything from friendship to romance, and my characters were always different from story to story. After many years of writing stories, I began thinking of the possibility of writing a book. I learned that writing a book is much different than the short stories I was writing. Books need structure, organization, chapters, and most of all, a moral and a purpose. Then I began reading more obscure books to get more influence for the type of book I wanted to write. Some of the books did not even contain chapters! Others had chapters, but numbered them using prime numbers. These books came across as disorganized yet intriguing. If we think of our lives as being like a book, we can admit that our books are messy. We can admit the chapters are numbered funky and the whole book is disorganized. We can also admit that our book is downright confusing at times. But who would write such a muddled and messy type of a book?! The answer is God.

Each of us has a book written by The Almighty King in permanent ink. It is amazing how many books God has written. He has written one for each of our lives. Each book has a unique title, which is our name, inscribed boldly on the front cover. Every book God has written starts out the same with "He created this individual in His image", but every book turns out differently. Day by day, we turn the pages of our giant non-fiction book by LIVING what God has already written. Our books are not perfect; some may have fragmented sentences while some may have improper grammar. As we live the book God has written, we may discover our books are written one way, but we wish for it to be written another. However, we cannot use white out in God's library. We cannot change what has happened and what is to happen. Once God began writing, everything that was meant to be inside our book was written for a purpose, from the words we say to the life we lead to the actions we choose. It is important to remember that every book contains sadness, happiness, love, loss, and hurt but God's love ultimately prevails. Every book has a beginning and end, and our stories can have new beginnings, such as salvation. And every book has a purpose and moral, no matter how messy it may seem. The purpose of each of our books is to live the life God has written for us, taking it page by page. Praise The Great Author of our universe!

God's book for each of us is already written and has been since the beginning of time. The mystery is living page by page, or day by day. This week I found myself living in mystery and desperately hoping to skip pages ahead to see what God has in store for me. I have been eager in a particular situation and have been trying to speed up the process. In doing so, I have made mistakes along the way by not being patient. My impatient actions were already written and are part of God's book of my life. Although I may not have liked my impatient actions and wished I could have used white out to erase them, God's book of my life is permanent and unchanging - permanent and unchanging just like His love for us! The most important thing is to learn from what is already written and be patient for what is to come in God's great books for each of us!

Jesus, write a great story through my life. You are the Author and Finisher of my faith.  Help me to live in well, to the very end, all for Your glory!  In Jesus name.  Amen.
In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

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