Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cultivating and Awareness of Christ’s Presence

Sunday morning retuning: How great it was to celebrate what God did through a number of “serve our world” opportunities this summer!  Some of those stories were so compelling; I cannot imagine how anyone could have left unstirred.  They answered the question I now what to pose to you with regard to serving our world…”What is God saying to you?”
I am so excited.  For nearly the last year I have been praying and seeking God’s leading with regard to the songs that will be on our upcoming North-Mar worship CD, “Show Us Your Glory.”  Tomorrow and Thursday nights our two new bands will be in the sanctuary recording the tracks that will make up this project, including three that have been written for us, our very own loving…growing…serving songs.  I encourage you to come out and be a part of the experience, but even if you cannot make it, PLEASE PRAY!
What am I asking you to pray?  Simply this, “Show Us Your Glory.”  We have been praying that in a variety of ways throughout this entire year and I believe we are seeing glimpses of it, but even more so that a flood is coming.
Just so you know, the intent of this project is to cultivate a heightened sense of Christ’s presence in our lives and our Engage services.  It is really not about the music, though I am excited about that.  It is really not about our two new bands, though I am excited about them.  It is really not even about the individual songs, though I am excited about them.  It is about the glory of God being revealed in our midst.
What does that mean?  I believe Christ is always with us. [Matthew 28:19-20] I further believe that when two or three followers of Christ get together He is with them in a different way.  [Matthew 18:20]  Why else would He distinguish this from His constant presence with us?  If indeed it is different, then we should long for that presence more and more.
We are doing this project to cultivate a sense of Christ’s presence with us both when we are gathered, and when we are not.  That is the intent of this project, but that is our worship ministry.  What about you?  What are you doing in your personal life that is cultivating a sense of Christ’s presence?  If you don’t have a ready reply, I want to encourage you to engage in something soon that will serve your journey with Jesus in this way.  Next week I will unpack something I do in my personal life for that very purpose.
Jesus, use this recording process to help our worship ministry cultivate a heightened sense of Your presence.  You are always with us, but we do not always live or speak like You are present.  Forgive us and draw us and our church family closer through these labors.  In Jesus name.  Amen.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Is Your Heart Open?

Sunday morning retuning: Divorce is something you need to deal with if you are going to talk about God’s Glorious Gift of Marriage.  Pastor Myron addressed this from Scripture with grace and truth.  Everyone of us knows someone who has been effected by this epidemic.  His words were a balm to the weary soul.
These last couple of weeks I have been asking if your eyes and ears are open.  Do you see God at work around you?  Do you hear God’s voice speaking to you?  Theses are important questions, but there is yet a more important one, one upon which hinges the possibility of the first two making a difference at all.  That question…“Is your heart open?”
I ask it fully aware of the fact that we live in a world where every one of us experiences hurt.  Each of those hurts can cause a closing of our hearts, a turning inward away from the source of those hurts.  The real danger is a closing of our hearts to God when we blame Him for some of the pain others have inflicted on us, and even some we have brought on ourselves.  That pain makes loving risky.
I have been working on a “Loving Jesus” song for some time.  These last few months I have been collaborating with Thomas Solich as it has taken its final shape.  Today I had the pleasure of recording this piano ballad with him at his studio in Boardman with our sound engineer Todd Maki.  What a blessing to work with this talented servants!
This morning as I prepared to meet with them, I was moved to the point of tears as I worked through this line "I love You Jesus.  The way you meet us/in both sad and happy days/fills our lives with endless praise/I love You, Jesus."  [I can hardly wait to share this with you.]  He may not always meet us with the answer we want, when we want it, but He always there loving us.  Of this we can be certain.
And that is good because there is plenty of uncertainty in our lives, as each of you is well aware. And this uncertainty, not knowing if your love will be returned makes loving is a risk in every situation, except when you respond to the love of God with love for Him.  It’s not risky, except for the fact that it will ultimately cost you everything you hold dear that you might gain other things of unfathomable and inestimable value.  But I guess that is really not much of a risk after all, if it were not for the risky world we live in and how it makes the return of God’s love seem risky, even though it is not.
All that to say, take a moment right now as you read this and make certain your heart is open to the love of God, and open to returning love to Him.  If you really want to walk a step behind Jesus, you must have an open heart.

Jesus, soften our hard hearts.  We long for more of Your love but too often keep You at a distance with so as not to risk being hurt again.  Open us up to receive Your love and echo it into others lives.  In Jesus name.  Amen.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Are You Ears Open?

Sunday morning retuning: I am thankful that we have a church led by people who are not afraid to speak truth about difficult things.  Pornography is an epidemic and I will not soon forget its toxic repercussions thanks to Pastor Scott's yellow hazard suit and the surgical mask I carried home with me.  Was God speaking to you Sunday? 

And by this weeks question I do not mean, "do you hear sounds?"  I am asking if you hear what is being said to you and responding to it.  Are you applying what you hear and allowing it to change you?  Last weeks I asked if you have your eyes open, and this week I am asking about your ears.  Here is why I am asking this.

I recently heard the newly elected president of the U.S. C&MA, John Stumbo, make this statement.  "Our God is aspeaking God.  We need to be a listening people." If you would like to hear more from him, I encourage you to listen to his first devotional delivered to the National Office staff.

Now before you say, "Duh!  Of course we need to be a listening people" please ask yourself these two questions.  First, when was the last time you really stopped to listen to God?  Second, what did he say?  If you find yourself struggling to answer the second question, it may be because there is some issue with your answer to the first.

You see, I believe we have a speaking God.  Even though I am not a good listener and I fail to obey more often than I care to admit, I know some things that God is saying to me in this season, and I am straining to do what He is telling me.  I appreciate your prayers as I make those efforts.  I will admit that I am excited about those things, but that there is mingled together with that excitement uncertainty and fear which probably stems from my lack of confidence that I have actually heard those things from God.

You know that feeling I am talking about, don't you?  It is probably like the feeling my four year old had just before he took this bite out of the butter the other day.  His self-talk probably went something like,  "Boy I really like butter.  And after all I do not remember Dad telling me not to take a bite out of the stick of butter.  Besides he gives me butter most days anyway.  He probably won't mind.  I hope he doesn't.  I will just take a small bite."  [Do you see the bite marks?]

Though this is more of a negative example, more of what you may have heard not to do, the things I hear from God, and I imagine you do or will too or generally more of things to do.  Will you spend a few minutes listening today, either about what God said Sunday or something else?  Then respond and demonstrate you really were listening to our speaking God.

Jesus, give us ears to hear what You are saying to me.  In the every day and every way I want to know You will.  I want to hear Your voice.  In Jesus name. Amen.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Are Your Eyes Open?

Sunday morning retuning: God showed us His glory Sunday as we remembered the sacrifice of His Son on our behalf.  He wants to show Himself to you today.  Are you eyes open to see Him?

I was walking through my backyard yesterday picking up some fallen branches, some of which had fallen in some tall grass.  As I stepped to pick up one limb I narrowly avoiding walking into a fairly large spiderweb that had escaped my gaze.  I was especially glad that I missed it when I realized there was a pretty funky looking spider with a huge pyramid shaped backside right at face level.  I pulled out my camera to snap a photo of the wonder that almost I almost missed, and almost wore.  Can you see him against the tree bark?

I reflected on that a bit after capturing the photo and wondered how many other things of wonder and beauty I had either missed already today, or at least failed to see them for what they truly were.  I pondered how often God puts something right in front of me, sometimes I even walk right into it, and still fail to grasp the true essence of the experience. I walked back toward the house, and through the rest of my day with a little different perspective.

Toward evening I was out back again putting some things away when the lightning bugs began to glow.  I almost let that moment pass but instead ran into the house to get Aiden, our five year old.  I wish I could have captured the look on his face as he saw his first one glow, then watched as I caught and held one.

Can you remember the first time you held one?  The wonder of that moment is palpable.  Such a simple, small thing, yet what a neat demonstration of God's creative work.  And also how fleeting. Blink and it's gone.  The lightning bug and the moment.

I asked at the top if your eyes are open to see God around you.  I ask again.  But before you answer with a quip of the tongue, ponder for a moment and consider how you have seen His hand today.  If you have not, then I wonder what revelations may have escaped your gaze.  Pray with me for eyes to see the glory of the Uncreated One in our daily lives…and on Sunday morning!

Jesus, give us eyes to see You at work around us.  In the simple and the complex, the small and the large things.  We want to see Your glory.  In Jesus name. Amen.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy