Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Am Not Ashamed

Dear Worshipers,

What a challenge from the Scripture on Sunday! Paul was under obligation, eager and not ashamed. We need to envision ourselves the same way. I think the first two are a little easier for us than the last.

Under obligation. When we realize the significance of what the Lord has done for us this is not so hard to feel. I like the way one song we have sung recently puts it. “Oh, my words could not tell, not even in part, of the debt of love that is owed by this thankful heart.” But we are not only obligation to the Lord, but also to those who have yet to hear this Good News.

Eager. Again, when we consider the implications the Gospel in our lives, we are naturally enthusiastic about it. But the issue is not enthusiasm as much as faithfulness and the power by which we share must be supernatural and not just natural.

These things are obvious. But no so much so that they go without saying. Because for some reason we often do not live as though we are under obligation or eager, let alone both, and I believe the underlying reason may be that we are ashamed of the Gospel. Before you get upset with me, let me explain.

I do not think that any us of is asked would say we are ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as it is clearly described in the Scriptures. If we are ashamed, and I am only asserting that we may be, I think it derives from the fact that we have exchanged the Gospel of Jesus Christ for one that is a little less demanding, one that does not place us under obligation to share it, and one that we are not necessarily eager to share. Why might I believe this?

Because the Gospel of Jesus Christ “is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes”. (Romans 1:16b NLT) Too often, we do not see the power of God at work, saving people, and we gradually become comfortable with that, until finally we refashion the Gospel and make a gospel that closely resembles it, just without the power. Lord, have mercy on us to the extent that we have done this.

Sunday we saw the power of God demonstrated in the testimonies from those who were being baptized. We are seeing the power of God at work saving people, so we are less inclined to create our own gospel. May God bless us with a greater awareness of His power so that we will find ourselves under obligation, eager and NOT ASHAMED.

Jesus, give us eyes to see you at work around us. As we do, make us eager to proclaim Your Gospel that has the power to save everyone who believes. When as put our faith to work, may we see people trusting in You.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

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