Dear Worshipers,
I trust that as we came to close in the service Sunday there were some who for the first time were asking God to fill them with His Holy Spirit, as Pastor Myron has taught and was directing and leading us. I am equally as certain that some of them were surprised when no actual fire fell from heaven, or when there were not manifestations of the Holy Spirit like tongues. I am sure some were thinking, “So how do I know that I am filled with God’s Holy Spirit?”
I thought of my two older boys who were in the service Sunday. I do not think they were wondering about the kinds of things I outlined above for they have no context to have formed such thoughts on the Spirit. We talk about the Spirit filling us and leading us, even with our 4 year old who surrendered to Christ last year. It is not always something that is demonstrated by signs and wonders, though I believe it absolutely can be.
Rather, the filling of the Holy Spirit is not always so conspicuous. Though I believe over a period of time His presence in our lives should be obvious, it is not always readily apparent. Part of the reason for that is us, and the other part is Him.
Sometimes we simply do not allow Him to move freely through us. I think of the image of heavenly Dove and imagine how easily a dove is shooed away when not welcome. We do not have to do much to cause Him to retreat from the forefront of our lives.
This can be frustrating, but it also has an encouraging parallel. We do not have to do much to welcome Him back to the forefront either. Remember that simple prayer? “Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit; I want to live for You.” Seems to simple, right? Well, it is. But God knows it must be simple if we are going to be able to do it. Remember, He knows us better than we know ourselves.
If you have not prayed it again yet, why not do it right now? “Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit; I want to live for You.” There may not be signs and wonders, but there will be a quiet confidence that you are at the disposable of the Mighty One, and are empowered to do all He calls you to do as you live for Him.
For more on the activity of the Holy Spirit and our prayers inviting it read my blog entry Never Be the Same Again, Chorus from Tuesday, May 26, 2009.
In Christ,
Pastor Timothy
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