What an amazing encounter with our Lord Sunday was for us. From the first notes of Palm Sunday services through the dismissal at the musical there was a palpable sense of God’s presence in our midst. I want each of you who were involved in any capacity to know that I am thanking God for you and your contribution to those experiences.
As we went through the musical in the 6:00 hour, I was enjoying myself immensely, which by the way I believe God wants us to do when we are in serving Him in the center of His will. We got to the song “What Kind of King?” which asks a question rhetorically focusing on the realities of what Jesus did and what kind of King that made Him. As we got to the chorus the question is answered like this.
Only a King who gives up His crown.
Only a King his glory laid down.
Only a King who’s willing to give so that others might live.
Jesus the King.
I have sung those words many times. Can really sing them, even direct the orchestra, without really thinking about it? But in that moment the Holy Spirit revealed another layer of the reality of who Jesus is to me. That has often happened to me as I offer my worship to my King, singing something I know, and learning something by revelation I had yet to appreciate.
What a King is our Jesus! What a joy to serve Him! What a delight to be alive forever because of what He accomplished on the cross! AMEN!
As we approach our celebrations this weekend, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, ask God to reveal something of Himself to you. To overwhelm you with the reality of Himself. To touch and heal and restore and forgive and bless. And while you are at it, pray for the many who will attend those services, particularly Easter morning, that God will show His Son to them in a life-changing way.
Jesus, You are alive forever, and because of that so are we. Help us to remember Your sacrifice and revel in Your resurrection this weekend, and always. Alleluia!
In Christ,
Pastor Timothy