Dear Worshippers,
I was reminded a couple of weeks ago that the best time to do weeding is shortly after a rainstorm. This is of course because the soil is loose and the weeds come up a little easier. It is a little messier process though due to the fact that the soil has been transformed into mud. Muddy or not, weeding is an essential activity if you want the plants to grow and thrive. Anyone who has ever tried to grow anything knows this reality.
I was thinking of this a few weeks ago and the Lord reminded me that weeding is an essential activity in our spiritual lives as well. The weeds of sin and slothfulness can quickly come in and choke of the growth of your spiritual life. The Parable of the Sower comes to mind. [Matthew 13:1-22] Instead of weeds, this parable says thorns, but the idea of the plants being choked out remains the same.
As I was weeding the first thought that came to mind was how hard it was. This is toilsome work. This is dirty work. You do not always get the entire root, knowing full well you will see that weed again. This is true with spiritual weeding as well. It is not easy. Sometimes you know you did not get the entire root. Sometimes you think you did only to learn later that some still remained.
I thought also of how necessary this work is, and that it would have been better tended to long before. If neglected, plants will suffer and can even be entirely choked out. A similar thought is true of your spiritual life. If you neglect the necessary weeding there your spirit will suffer and maybe even worse.
I finally thought that I wish I had done this right after the rain. With the ground soaked it would have been much easier to deal with the weeds. But that timing was not convenient for me so I had to do my weeding when the ground was pretty dry.
Our church has recently been “soaked”. I hope you got caught up in that. I do not think it is too late to take advantage of that recent shower. Ask the Holy Spirit if there is any weeding that needs to be done in you, and willingly submit even if it gets toilsome and dirty. The labor will not be in vain.
Be encouraged with these words.
Sow for yourselves righteousness,
reap the fruit of unfailing love,
and break up your unplowed ground;
for it is time to seek the LORD,
until he comes
and showers righteousness on you. [Hosea 10:12]
Spirit, continue to soak Your church.
In Christ,
Pastor Timothy
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