Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Dear Worshippers,

I have been working for a while today trying to synchronize a couple of electronic devices. This simply means to go through a process to make certain the same information is in both places and every time they connect both sources are updated with any changes since the last time they connected. It is a more complicated version of “Synchronize your watches”, but the same principle is in play. This is also the process used when you update an iPod or mp3 player.

It occurred to me that this is a great picture of our relationship with God, especially the music player side of it. When we connect with God we want to make sure we have the same information [TRUTH] that He has. This is why we read His Word, pray, and meditate. We want to always be in sync with Him.

The main difference is that He never changes. We change and must be brought back in line with Him. Nothing we do ever changes Him. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:9)

The music player analogy is closer to this picture because none of the information from the player ever changes the computer. Even though settings might change that are resident to the player the computer never changes. The player is dependent on the computer to give it any information it needs to function.

Ideally, all the information on the computer that should be on the PDA or player automatically goes to the other device every time they connect. Issues can develop which derail this process, but the computer will diligently notify of any problems and try to correct them. The player is mostly oblivious to these developments.

That leads me to the question, “Are you synchronized?” Is all the information the Father wants to get on you being received? Are you connecting with Him regularly? Are there issues that have developed that He is trying to point out to you?

One other part of this is that with most devices, when they are being synchronized they are simultaneously being recharged. Their on-board power source is resupplied. Are you feeling depleted, run down, empty? Maybe you simply need to reconnect to your Source to strengthen your power level. It’s a simple thing. Get connected today! You will not be able to function per the Designers’ specifications until you do. I am praying for you.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

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