Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A Vision…Fulfilled!?

Dear Worshippers,

What is vision? Pollster George Barna has defined vision as “a clear mental image of a preferable future imparted by God to His chosen servants.” He goes on to say that vision is “based on an accurate understanding of God, self and circumstances.” So that you so not think that the idea of “vision” is a term borrowed from the secular world, let me remind you of Proverbs 29:18, “When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is happy.” [NLT] The words divine guidance here are translated vision in other versions, the point being prophetic revelation.

It was about seven or eight years ago when the Lord began to guide me into something that happened last Friday evening. While visiting some family on the eastern Florida coast I experienced a combined church musical that blessed me greatly. I did something like it the next two years in Florida, then each year since my return to Morgantown. As we concluded singing “In God We Trust” to the rain soaked crowd at the Amphitheater the fireworks began to go off. We were still singing and playing. It was amazing, choreographed better than I could have asked.

I saw something with my eyes that God have given me a clear mental image years before: a choir by the river singing His praises as the fireworks began. To inject our community’s celebration of America with God’s people singing of our trust in Him was the fulfillment of a vision. As the fireworks continued, I found a seat with my family and wept. God had fulfilled the vision that I had often spoken of publicly, at times I must admit with some doubt. We faced a lot of opposition over the years to this, but God had made a way. Hallelujah!

As I reflected over the weekend, I was reminded of more of the vision. I have often spoken of a 100 voice choir and a 50 piece orchestra. This year we were at about 40 and 30 respectively, and a talented bunch they were, but I am believing with a newfound conviction that God is not yet finished with this move. It is that newfound conviction that I want to encourage you with this week.

Pastor David began a new series on the Core Values of the Alliance. It will be his last. But God is saying something to me in these days, and I believe to our church. He has work for us to do. There is a preferable future ahead of us and He wants to give us a clear mental image of it. Not only corporately, but individually as well.

What role are you playing in making the knowledge/guidance/revelation/vision of God known? Are you telling others about the Sovereign One Who alone can choreograph fireworks to music? Has God put something on your heart that has been a long time coming? I encourage you today to press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus. [Phil 3:14] Now that’s a vision!

In Christ,

Pastor Scott

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