Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Dear Worshippers,

Last week I wrote to inform you that I would be at District Conference in Ohio and to ask for prayer for myself and the other delegates particularly as we would elect a new District Superintendent (D.S.) . I write today to thank you for those prayers and to attempt to give you a sense of the way God answered them.

Every year, District Conference is a wonderful time of doing business for the district, but also reconnecting to peers and especially to the Lord. While every conference is a blessing this one was exceptional. Though I suspect my recent reading of Tozer had something to do with it, my awareness of the presence of God throughout the conference was very keen. Frankly, it was overwhelming.

Monday night we heard of God at work through our church plants. God is moving irrespective of culture, geography, economics or any other “limiting” factor. He has given us power and is making us witnesses for Him. We learned at the close of the night that our current D.S. is going to be planting a church after July 31st when he finishes his term.

We had a three hour concert of prayer Tuesday morning that was a sweet time with the Lord and our District family as the D.S. intertwined some things he has gleaned over his years. The afternoon was business conducted smoothly and that evening the service centered around having a passion for the lost, brought to focus through the message of the D.S. It concluded with a powerful time of seemingly-spontaneous prayer.

We had a seminar on “peacemaking” Wednesday, which was good, but the highlight was the ordination service that evening. Always a solemn time of celebration for those who have completed their preparation, this was especially so. A great message from our Vice President of Church Ministries for the C&MA climaxed with the laying on of hands for ordination which followed the most stirring rendition of “I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel” that I have ever heard. I found myself weeping and shouting and raising my hands in worship, which I figure is no big surprise to anyone.

Thursday concluded conference with the mission’s hour, election of our new D.S., and the closing service of communion and healing. In the missions hours we commissioned 16 new missionaries who are going out from our District in the next year. 16! To hear their stories of surrender was inspiring. We elected our new D.S. who then went on to lead us in one of the most moving services of communion I have ever experienced.

It was an amazing week. I found myself overwhelmed on numerous occasions. Let me boil it down into two challenges I received in a variety of ways that I now pass along to you: 1. Stay on mission, 2. Be filled with the Spirit.

It is imperative that we keep reminding ourselves why Jesus has not yet come back – we are not finished with the commission He gave us. The only way we can finish well is to keep ourselves under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Commit with me to pray for that for yourself and our church.

Next week…More about these imperatives, OR a new direction.

In Christ,

Pastor Scott

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