Dear Worshipers,
I think we get far too comfortable with our Christianity. I say “our” because I am confident that what we conceive is Christianity is too often far less that the life of abandon that Jesus has called us to. I will not speak for you, but I think I allow myself too comfortable, too often, and in so doing reduce the glory of God in my mind to my detriment and the detriment of those around me as well.
When was the last time you agreed to do something that you were certain would cause you to be uncomfortable, but that you were equally certain God had called you to do? I am not even talking about anything extraordinary, just a simple act of obedience that took you out of your comfort zone. For me it was last night, and that is why I am writing this today.
A friend has asked me to speak to a group who are at varying degrees of commitment to Christ. I was asked to share about the call of God upon our lives, and particularly how it related to their particular field. I was confident God wanted me to do this, and confident of what I would say, however, I was also confident that I was going to be uncomfortable for a few reasons.
I will proceed to offer my valid reasons for concern, but feel free to insert your own from the last conversation you had with the Lord about such a matter, like the ones Moses had which generally started, “But Lord…”
I have a very limited knowledge of the field of expertise of the group
I do not often deliver a 45 minute message
I was uncertain of the level of agreement my listeners and I would share
There were probably others, but these will suffice for the sake of illustration.
I must say that although I was a little apprehensive, preparing was a thrill, and so was sharing. I was not surprised by that for this is generally my experience when I obey the Lord, even into an arena where I am uncomfortable. I must say I even came to know my Lord better by the way He showed Himself to me through my experience of obeying His will.
I am certain that will be your experience as well. So I ask you, “What has the Lord been calling you to do lately? What have you been making excuses about? Where are you feeling led that makes you feel uncomfortable?” Commit that, and your lack of comfort, to the Lord. Trust Him to bring you through that for His glory and your good.
In Christ,
Pastor Scott
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