Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Dear Worshipers,

I have a question for you as we begin to tune our hearts this week. Are you single-minded? That term means different things to different people so let me explain before you answer.

I am asking you if there is one thing that dominates your mind. I am asking if there is one pursuit that focuses all others. I am asking if there is one great purpose that influences every decision.

Do you have a consuming passion? Is there one thing that is always one your mind? When you have a minute to daydream, what is the first thing that your mind trails off to? I think the best way to ask it is “What do you think about when you are not thinking about anything else?”

I thought I was, singel-minded that is. At least most of the time, when I was not being selfish. Then the Lord decided to show me otherwise. He did it through a missionary, or rather a few.

I was sitting innocently taking in yet another powerful message at our Missions Conference last week when the Lord pierced my heart. Rev. Andy Gardner, missionary to Guinea, was addressing the good crowd gathered for our closing rally at Jack Roberts Park under the tent. He was sharing with us the need for us a have a thirst for God, likening it to that which is cultivated through Ramadan in the heart of a Muslim, that period where they do not eat or drink or even swallow their own spit from dawn to dusk. The point is to make them aware of their need of God.

He commented that a thirsty person has one thing on their mind. The statement that was made was something like, “God may use something you are struggling with to cultivate single-mindedness.” When he said that, the Spirit promoted me to consider a struggle I am currently facing with this possibility in mind.

As I pondered that I realized that I am not single-minded. If I were, I do not think I would even be facing the struggle. So, in a sense the struggle itself belies the lack of single-mindedness of which I am guilty.

Are you facing a trial or a temptation? Have you considered it is light of this truth? Read these words from James 1:2-8.

2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

Dear friends, let us allow God to use all that we face to give us a single-mindedness. More on what should be on that mind next week.

In Christ,

Pastor Scott

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Involved in Discipleship

Dear Worshipers,

I was having a conversation last night with our Head Elder Don Oliver about the Children’s Missions Musical from the night before. It was a little rough in some places, for those of us who knew it inside and out, but overall it went very well. He was encouraging me with words conveying what a fine performance it was. I praised the Lord and thanked him for his encouragement…then I just kept talking.

It was one of those moments when you fell like you are watching yourself from outside your body, the occurrence seems so strange. I began to wonder why I was saying what I was saying. Then I realized it was because I needed to be reminded that these things are so much bigger than 45 minutes of musical entertainment.

You see, I said to Don something like, “It really did go well. But you know the encouraging thing to me is that as much as those in the congregation enjoyed it, I am much more excited about the fact that the kids were changed by it. Learning and memorizing something of this magnitude has an immeasurable effect on a person, young or old, and though that can not be measured today, I am confident it makes a difference in their souls as they sing these truths like “We’re Blessed to Bless Again” and “Everyone can give a gift of simple things”. But none of it would ever happen if they had not chosen to be involved.

It occurred to me again in those moments that this is really about discipleship. We use music to see Christ formed in the people of our church, and particularly those involved in the Music and Worship Ministries. The is really all about becoming like Jesus.

And so my challenge to you today is this? [Come on, you knew one was coming eventually. Sometimes it just takes me longer to get to it.] What are you choosing to be involved with? Where are you allowing yourself to be formed in the image of Christ? How is Jesus being poured into your life as you faithfully pour yourself out?

If you struggle to answer that question, get involved! Find a place of ministry and commit it to the Lord, as He leads. If you answer the question easily, but are struggling with the commitment, reexamine it once again. Maybe it is time for you to move on to something else. If you are just struggling, ask God where you can begin to serve so that you can experience His life-transforming power at work in you.

Make a choice and get involved…so that you can be a better disciple.

In Christ,

Pastor Scott

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Uncomfortable for Jesus

Dear Worshipers,

I think we get far too comfortable with our Christianity. I say “our” because I am confident that what we conceive is Christianity is too often far less that the life of abandon that Jesus has called us to. I will not speak for you, but I think I allow myself too comfortable, too often, and in so doing reduce the glory of God in my mind to my detriment and the detriment of those around me as well.

When was the last time you agreed to do something that you were certain would cause you to be uncomfortable, but that you were equally certain God had called you to do? I am not even talking about anything extraordinary, just a simple act of obedience that took you out of your comfort zone. For me it was last night, and that is why I am writing this today.

A friend has asked me to speak to a group who are at varying degrees of commitment to Christ. I was asked to share about the call of God upon our lives, and particularly how it related to their particular field. I was confident God wanted me to do this, and confident of what I would say, however, I was also confident that I was going to be uncomfortable for a few reasons.

I will proceed to offer my valid reasons for concern, but feel free to insert your own from the last conversation you had with the Lord about such a matter, like the ones Moses had which generally started, “But Lord…”

I have a very limited knowledge of the field of expertise of the group
I do not often deliver a 45 minute message
I was uncertain of the level of agreement my listeners and I would share

There were probably others, but these will suffice for the sake of illustration.

I must say that although I was a little apprehensive, preparing was a thrill, and so was sharing. I was not surprised by that for this is generally my experience when I obey the Lord, even into an arena where I am uncomfortable. I must say I even came to know my Lord better by the way He showed Himself to me through my experience of obeying His will.

I am certain that will be your experience as well. So I ask you, “What has the Lord been calling you to do lately? What have you been making excuses about? Where are you feeling led that makes you feel uncomfortable?” Commit that, and your lack of comfort, to the Lord. Trust Him to bring you through that for His glory and your good.

In Christ,

Pastor Scott

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Living the Call TOGETHER

Dear Worshipers,

Over the next few weeks we are going to be hearing a lot about “Living the Call Together”. We have heard that before. We know what that means. We understand what that looks like; praying, giving, going, sending, (living) together, to complete the Great Commission. Or do we?

These weeks we have been focusing on Sunday morning on the reality that God has something to say and that we had better be listening. What is God going to say to you in these next few weeks as we hear the Call again? I hope you will tune your ears to hear what the Spirit is calling you to do as we live the call TOGETHER.

That word TOGETHER is very important. Two particular angles have been on my mind lately as I have been praying and preparing for Missions Conference, and as I have labored over the song that we have begun to learn as a congregation. First, we live together with God. Second, we live together with each other. Both angles find a beautiful expression even in the context of the song. Allow me to illustrate.

It was never really MY song. God began to put that opening line in my heart back about the middle of August or earlier. I prayed about it and began to work through it, living it with God, allowing Him to form the song in my heart through melody and lyrics. I finally sat down at the piano and began to labor over it composing the chords that would under gird the melody and lyrics. After the chorus was finished, I had to wait on the Lord and listen for the verse, if He wanted one. It turned out He did, and He gave that to me as well. I continue to tweak things in the song with God, but it is nearing a finished product. Here is where the other aspect comes in.

I can not describe what it was like to hear that song first start to come to life as our musicians played and singers sang it. It had an entirely different life to it than it did when it was simply between me and God. It began to evolve, becoming more than I had expected. As each yielded their talents the TOGETHER aspect really blossomed. Pastor David called the National Office and they have requested a recording and sheet music to evaluate its’ usefulness beyond our local church. That is very humbling.

Since all I had was my hand-written manuscript, I engaged the assistance of several other servants to help me with this task. Bill Dodrill has created a very professional looking electronic manuscript. Scott Gillum has agreed to assist me in creating a high quality recording. Bob Menear has offered to write a chart for the orchestra. Do you see how this TOGETHER thing has incredible potential? If it ever had been, this is not my song anymore, it is OURS.

All that to say…be mindful of what God is birthing in your heart. It may be a song or some other service to the King. Whatever it is, keep it before Him long enough for Him to breathe life into it and cause it to blossom. That impression, that whisper, that nudge could end up becoming more that you had ever expected as you live it out with God and His people.

Let’s Live the Call Together!

In Christ,

Pastor Scott