Have you ever had one of those situations that you walk away from saying out loud, “Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus for working that out! I am once again amazed at Your grace in my life.” I hope you have. They are thrilling moments of praise to the Lord. I had a couple of them last week.
I spoke with a young lady who I had hoped would be involved with the patriotic musical. I had not been able to get in touch with her. When I finally spoke to her, she was genuinely excited about being a part of this grand endeavor. Hallelujah! What a blessing when people choose to enthusiastically serve the Lord.
I had also been talking with Tony Caridi to get him involved as our narrator. Though he initially thought he would not be available, I spoke with him last week to confirm his involvement. I am so delighted to have him involved. Hallelujah! The Lord is providing for the communication of the patriotic musical, and at the same time giving people an opportunity to serve while encouraging my heart. Thank you for your prayers.
Then just yesterday we took little Josiah to see the pediatric orthopedist for his club feet. We expected to have him wearing casts for a few more weeks to correct the problem then several more beyond that to preserve the correction. He said that Josiah looks good and that he will plan to see him in a month for follow-up. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! I am amazed once again.
What blessings are you praising the Lord for today? Notice I said praising. Praise is a lifestyle, a way of living. Is your living characterized by praise, or something less? Choose praise. It is way more enjoyable, and will actually change your perspective. Think on some reason to right now and give the Lord a nice, strong “Hallelujah!” Then… keep praising.
Pastor Scott
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