Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Saga Continues

Well, the next chapter in the saga of the patriotic musical is about to be written. It was about a year ago when one of our members was on Morgantown AM sharing our disappointment with not being able to share the musical at the Amphitheater as we had been promised. Yesterday, I was on the same local radio show inviting people to attend as we honor the flag, salute our veterans, and acknowledge God as the Sovereign over all. I am praying that everything goes according to God’s plan, that we get to share the musical next Monday, and that the Lord will bring a wonderful crowd out to see and hear it. I hope all of you will come if you are not already in the group and bring some people with you.

Just moments ago I received a call informing me that WAJR was not including our concert in the line-up of events for July 4 at the Amphitheater. They are mentioning everything else but us. Hmmmm. I responded by calling John Pyles and he said he would call the radio station and get that corrected. The struggles we have had to pull this off again have been numerous, but I should not be surprised.

The enemy does not want us to be in that very beautiful, public place boldly proclaiming “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain. Glory to the Lamb! Amen.” That is exactly what we will be doing next Monday starting at 3:00 p.m. It should come as no surprise that he would oppose us at every turn, and he has, but we move forward believing in our God.

Maybe there is some matter that you firmly believe the Lord has led you to deal with, something that needs to be said, something that concerns His kingdom in the hearts and lives of someone you know, maybe even yourself. At every turn you face struggles and discouragement. It seems as though the end is no where in sight, and that even if you are able to make it to the end of this leg of the journey, it will not be pleasant. Take heart. The eternal glory that is the product of our light and momentary struggles far outweighs them. Labor on brave heart. The Lord is calling us to take up our cross which will require us to die daily to our passions, hopes and dreams, that we may live for His.

I am looking forward to the end of the journey, and will continue on this road until I reach the end. I am also looking forward to writing to you next week about what the Lord is going to do next Monday. What are you looking forward to? Whatever it is, be certain it informs the way you live. More on that next week.


Pastor Scott

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Have you ever had one of those situations that you walk away from saying out loud, “Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus for working that out! I am once again amazed at Your grace in my life.” I hope you have. They are thrilling moments of praise to the Lord. I had a couple of them last week.

I spoke with a young lady who I had hoped would be involved with the patriotic musical. I had not been able to get in touch with her. When I finally spoke to her, she was genuinely excited about being a part of this grand endeavor. Hallelujah! What a blessing when people choose to enthusiastically serve the Lord.

I had also been talking with Tony Caridi to get him involved as our narrator. Though he initially thought he would not be available, I spoke with him last week to confirm his involvement. I am so delighted to have him involved. Hallelujah! The Lord is providing for the communication of the patriotic musical, and at the same time giving people an opportunity to serve while encouraging my heart. Thank you for your prayers.

Then just yesterday we took little Josiah to see the pediatric orthopedist for his club feet. We expected to have him wearing casts for a few more weeks to correct the problem then several more beyond that to preserve the correction. He said that Josiah looks good and that he will plan to see him in a month for follow-up. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! I am amazed once again.

What blessings are you praising the Lord for today? Notice I said praising. Praise is a lifestyle, a way of living. Is your living characterized by praise, or something less? Choose praise. It is way more enjoyable, and will actually change your perspective. Think on some reason to right now and give the Lord a nice, strong “Hallelujah!” Then… keep praising.


Pastor Scott

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Allied for His Purposes

I had a good discussion last night with a member of the patriotic musical who is joining us from another church. I relayed to her some of the struggles we have had over the last two years to secure a venue, and also the personnel to produce the work. As we talked, I shared how frustrating it has been at times trying to coordinate the many details of an endeavor like this, let alone the complications I have faced. All the while, I have this vision of concluding just such a work immediately before the fireworks under that Amphitheater one day.

I continue to believe that a community church project like this is God’s will, and so I will continue to pursue it to the best of my ability, which I must admit at times is sorely inadequate. The musical aspect is not the problem, just understanding how to go about vision casting, recruiting, enlisting the support of other churches, securing the venue, communicating it to the churches in Morgantown and then to the community at large, to name a few challenges. Maybe there is something in this list you feel you could help with. Maybe a thought has come to mind as to how to go about this endeavor a different way. I am open to suggestions, because I am sincerely seeking the will of God in this and believe that one or more of you may help me find it. HELP!

I mentioned last week the need of prayer. God will open the door or close it. I am seeking His face and desire to be a part of revealing all that He is to the greater Morgantown community. Will you pray with me to that end?

Almighty God,
open the door for us to boldly declare your Sovereign authority over our nation, and each of our lives.
bring the people that you want to hear this glorious message.
yield fruit in our lives and theirs as we exalt you publicly.
Thank You, Lord for hearing our prayer.

Thank you for the role you play in this ministry. Maybe God is leading you to play a larger one. There are many things to be done; this musical is but one small part of that grand labor that is our joint contribution to the completion of the Great Commission. Maybe there is some area of frustration for you as you are trying to live the fullness of Christ, or maybe God has frustrated you because you are trying to live a full life apart from Christ. Whatever the case may be, let me encourage you to find your place as we live the call together, allied to His purposes.


Pastor Scott

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Praying for the Open Door

After a short hiatus we resume today. Two weeks ago I was in Cincinnati with Ben Siu leading in worship the missionaries who had gathered for General Council. [Thank you for your ministry Ben. It was a blessing.] Last week I was still enjoying the long Memorial Day weekend. So today, let us retune.

The biggest development in our worship ministries in that length of time was the beginning of another installment in the patriotic musical saga which began last year. We started work in late May uncertain of an offsite performance venue even though I had actively worked on securing such a site since last November. To make a long story short, I received a phone call from John Pyles that we can share at the Amphitheater on the riverfront at 3:00. Though still much earlier than I have envisioned, it is an open door, for now.

That is why I am writing about it today. I want to entreat your prayers that it will stay open. I am not surprised that in trying to coordinate the public proclamation of the Sovereign rule of God with any part of the municipal government we run into problems. [The musical we are sharing is titled One Nation Under God.] For this reason I want to ask you to pray that God will hold this door open through the next four weeks as we prepare and share this musical with a Combined Community Church Choir and Orchestra. There are people from other churches who have begun to see the vision and have joined us in fulfilling it.

I believe the Lord has laid this vision, this burden, on me and it is burning me up from within to share it. Indeed I feel like the prophet Jeremiah who upon considering just keeping the Word in described it as I fire shut up in his bones (20:9). I was reminded a few weeks ago during the Sunday evening service of this great prophet and the call of God on his life to speak the word of the Lord. Pastor Miller shared that though the prophet struggled privately with this call, when he found himself in the public setting he was bold. He remained faithful after a life of ministry with little results.

I expect that our experience will be different than Jeremiah’s, although there may be some who would like to silence us, who will hate us, and may want to kill us. It will be different in that we will see results. Will you pray with me to that end?

Almighty God,

  • Open the door for us to boldly declare your Sovereign authority over our nation, and each of our lives.
  • Bring the people that you want to hear this glorious message.
  • Yield fruit in our lives and theirs as we exalt you publicly.
  • Thank You, Lord for hearing our prayer.

In Christ,

Pastor Scott