Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Running In, Then Out Again?

Sunday morning retuning:  Slow pitches.  Pastor Myron revisited this concept on Sunday, complete with a bat in hand.  If you missed it, check out #servingourworld on Twitter to see a few pics I posted, and some other comments that were made.  He was obviously ready to swing!  Are you?  For more on digging deeper look here.
I run, but I would not call myself a runner.  I have spoken to some of them, and they are just a different breed than me.  I do think it is excellent exercise and try to get 3-4 runs in each week.

On one run last week I headed down a well-worn path of mine.  Depending on the distance of the day, I occasionally run down to 422 then head toward downtown Warren.  This usually takes me across Willard Avenue, where the school  we are partnering with is located, which is also adjacent to Trumbull Homes.  I had Myron’s words echoing in my ears about serving our world more this time than ever before.  I began to pray as I ran.  The words echoed louder and louder until I reached my halfway point.

Somewhere along the way, I realized that many times I have run into this neighborhood that has seen better days, and then turned around and ran back out.  I prayed wondering if the Lord would want to use me here, or elsewhere, to make a difference, not just journey through.

Though I do not usually stop, even though I always want to, I did this time.  I continued to pray, eventually even praying out loud as cars drove by, some of whose drivers were probably wondering about my mental stability.  I just happened to be across from a building that at least at some point in the past housed a church.  I began praying for the things that could once be found there, according to the sign.

I prayed that though this area is known for unions, it would someday be known for unity.  Though manufacturing has shaped its history, its future would be shaped by the manufacturing of disciples who make disciples.  I prayed for greater things yet to come in this city and this valley.

That sounds good, but what I am supposed to do about it?  I am still seeking the answer to that, but I believe it will come in His time.  Are you willing to ask how you can be more involved with #servingourworld?  Let’s do this, as the Spirit fills and leads.

Jesus, we do not want to run out ahead of you, but we do not want to just run in and out of neighborhoods and lives of the people who live there either.  Please show us how we can make a difference for Your glory and the good of those we long to see You.  In Jesus name.  Amen.
In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

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