Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Saddle Up Your Horses

Dear Worshipers,

What a powerful illustration Pastor Myron brought to us Sunday morning! Giving over the reins to God. Such a simple picture. Such profound implications. As we were praying as a staff this morning, the Lord developed this image a little more while several of my brothers prayed.

I could see vast open plain, like the ones at the foothills of the Rockies. Behind them in the distance rose the majestic snow capped mountains. Immediately before me was a corral with a bunch of horses and off in the distance was a pack of wild ones.

In my mind the ones in the corral were the ones who had been broken. They had yielded themselves to a rider, would were a saddle, and follow commands. Though they did not always comply quickly to the will of their rider, they knew the benefit of such and actually welcomed that direction.

The horses in the open plain were wild. They escaped the influence of any rider, seemingly going wherever they wished, although they generally followed the herd. They were free to pursue their own will, and at the mercy of the wild.

The corral and the plain, the church and the unchurched. Clean, neat. But not really. As with any analogy there are some shortcomings.

Even in the corral, the churched, are those who though they have been broken, still fight at every turn. This portrays the Christian who has not yet given control over to the Holy Spirit. We have all seen this, and if we will be honest, we have all experienced it personally. I want to encourage each of you reading to keep giving those reins.

It made me think of that theme from last fall, Live the Adventure. The most exciting life available to each of us is living in Christ. That is what we have to share with those out in the plains. Not a life of living in a corral, penned in. But learning to yield, to be disciplined so that we can enjoy all God has for us. If you are thinking that giving the reins over to God is boring, not so. It is the most exciting thing you can ever do!

For those of you thinking I am not up for that kind of excitement, let me assure you there is also no greater peace than that which comes from knowing God has the reins of your life. Do not waste another minute plodding down your worn out trail! Give God the reins and see where He will lead you. It will be wonderful. I guarantee it!

Jesus, I give You the reins of my life. I want You to control me, lead me, guide me. I want to know the thrill of life experiencing Your promises to me. Amen.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

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