I hope you are looking forward to what God is going to do in us as a church and in you individually as we consider His truth over these next several weeks. I want to encourage you to pick up the devotional booklet and go through it, either with your family a friend or with Jesus alone. I know as a family we are going to consider how God would want to love us along in this continuum of living a generous life.
This is an area where I am aware I need to grow. I might be tempted at times to use this as an excuse even though I should know better but giving is not one of my primary love languages. Actually, it may very well be the lowest. For this reason I know this is an area where I need to grow in grace. Though I endeavor to be a faithful and dutiful tither, the above and beyond is not something I excel at. I say this to my shame. But God is at work in me, and I trust will be faithful to complete that work.
Maybe for you giving of your resources is not an issue. Maybe you struggle giving in some other arena, whether it is time or talent. Maybe it is relationally or emotionally. There are a lot of ways we can give and I trust that this season will be a very fruitful one for you if you will spend some time reflecting on the scriptures in the devotional book and what Pastor Myron brings to us on Sunday mornings.
We are going to be memorizing some scripture together over these next few weeks and I would encourage you to do the same. We are starting with Psalm 24.1, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” As you are reading and reflecting on those scriptures take some time to allow the Spirit to write them on you heart. As you do, trust Him to work those truths out in your life. He will amaze you.
Reflect on the words of the song we will be singing through this season and consider if it is your expression of worship. “I Will Offer Up My Life” by Matt Redman.
I will offer up my life
In spirit and truth,
Pouring out the oil of love
As my worship to You
In surrender I must give my every part;
Lord, receive the sacrifice
Of a broken heart
Jesus, what can I give, what can I bring
To so faithful a friend, to so loving a King?
Savior, what can be said, what can be sung
As a praise of Your name
For the things You have done?
Oh my words could not tell, not even in part
Of the debt of love that is owed
By this thankful heart
You deserve my every breath
For You've paid the great cost;
Giving up Your life to death,
Even death on a cross
You took all my shame away,
There defeated my sin
Opened up the gates of heaven
And have beckoned me in
Jesus, make my life a generous life. One that reflects your heart to those around me. Change me to be like you.
In Christ,
Pastor Timothy
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