Dear Worshippers,
While I was in seminary, I worked through the Bible study “Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God” by Henry Blackaby. It was a very formative period in my life as I continued to prepare to pursue God’s call on my life so I was really desirous of knowing His will and doing it.
Blackaby speaks of “Seven Realities” as foundational to experiencing God. The central one that profoundly impacted my life was this: “God speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances and the church to reveal Himself, His purposes, and His ways.” Pretty simple stuff, until your start living it.
You see, expecting God to speak Himself, His purposes and His ways into your life will transform the way you live. Suddenly everything takes on a whole new meaning. God was to show Himself to me. When He does, He expects me to respond. You have heard this kind of thing from me before, but here is my context for today.
I was having a conversation last night with my two oldest boys about God speaking. We were reading the passage where Samuel comes to Bethlehem to anoint a new king. The Scripture in I Samuel reads like a conversation is going on between God and Samuel. I asked my boys if Samuel actually heard God speaking or did he just imagine it? I asked if anyone else could hear, or just Samuel? I asked them if God still speaks today?
They did pretty well answering my questions, and I am certain you would as well. The real rub comes when we consider applying that truth. Will we cultivate such a relationship with God, like Samuel, that He can speak conversationally with us? When we hear, will we trust it is truly Him? When He does speak, will we obey?
God spoke to me recently. This doesn’t happen all the time, but especially when I really need His guidance. I poured my heart out and I believed He answered me. I am still working to understand what He revealed, but I am excited that He is showing me His purposes and His ways.
God is speaking to us. This is a critical time for our church. We must be listening to what the Spirit is revealing to us. We must be willing to respond with wisdom and courage.
God is speaking to you. Are you listening?
In Christ,
Pastor Scott
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