Dear Worshipers,
Let me ask you a question. Do you see yourself in this picture? I sure hope you do, because I do. That is, I see you in this picture. This image is the new symbol-brand-logo for our Worship Ministries created for us by Andy Moore. THANK YOU ANDY!
There are so many aspects of this brand I would like to outline for you. Do you see the W and the V? That could stand for West Virginia or world vision, but for me it also represents Worship is a Verb. Do you know why there our several figures in the image? An early concept included a single figure, but our worship as a church as a corporate dimension to it. I particularly like that three is more than a couple, and represents a family. We are a family of worshippers, made up of many families and other units of worshippers. Did you notice that the word is the same font and the colors the same from our Alliance brand “Living the Call Together”? This connects us with the larger vision of our Alliance family, while showing our unique part of it.
There are many other aspects of this that we could explore, but I want to ask you the question again, “Do you see yourself in this picture?” The vision of our Worship Ministries is that we “exist to nurture worship as a lifestyle characterized by sincere responses to God’s self-revelations.” God reveals Himself, we respond. That is worship. And God reveals Himself in a number of different ways: through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, the church, the cross, communion, etc. Too many to capture in a simple logo, as if it could be captured in a complex one either.
When God reveals Himself, what is your response? The reality is your response will not be a cookie cutter version of the image you see here. Instead, it will be your sincere reaction to all that God has shown Himself to be in that moment. Your demonstration of worship may will look different than the figures you see, but the posture will be the same. You will be lifted up, exalting the Most High God, even if you find yourself on your face in tears, undone. Your focus will be on Him and nothing else. You may be aware of your surroundings, including your partners in the journey, but they are less significant the the object of your affection, the Lord Almighty.
That is the vision the Lord has given me for worship. A vision where we are focused on Him, responding to what He has shown us, in every situation, every circumstance, every moment. A vision that is consuming and captivating, as certainly as it is convicting.
Let me ask you the question one last time. Do you see yourself in this picture? I certainly hope so.
In Christ,
Pastor Scott
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