Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Loving Jesus

Sunday morning retuning: So we have been charged anew to be “Loving Jesus”. What that looks like on Sunday morning, got it. What that looks like the rest of the week, still working on that. How about you?

Dear Worshipers,

This is easy to say, and not so east to do. Especially when we realize that loving Jesus requires that we love others. Others who are often, rather never as easy to love as Jesus is. But this is no excuse.

Remember the passage about the sheep and the goats. [Matthew 25:31-46] Jesus was teaching about when He would come in all His glory. All the nations will be divided into two groups as a shepherd separates sheep and goats. To the sheep God will say “Come” and to the goats “Depart”.

The goats immediately object and Jesus describes all the times when the sheep showed love and the goats failed to do so. A key line in this quotes the King as saying “Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.” Oh, boy. That is convicting.

So how do I get from where I am, not loving as I should, to where I want to be, loving as I should? I follow Jesus. I determine to let Him guide me in every circumstance, every situation. I decide on the front side how I will choose to respond when things happen. Routinely offering myself to the Lord for the purpose of loving Him and loving others is a great place to start.

An Everyday Creed

Worship is my response to who I value most.
Who I value most is the Lord Jesus Christ.
I was made by Him and for Him.
He is awesome beyond
my mind’s ability to comprehend.
I exist for the purpose of reflecting back to the Lord His matchless glory.
I will exalt Him with my mouth
and with my life for He is my hope,
my joy, my strength, and my salvation.
This day will be used to know Him
and love Him more!

Determine today to know and love Jesus more, everyday.

Jesus, help me to know You and love You more everyday. Help me love the people around me more. Fill me with Your love and help me to be spontaneous in my expressing it. I want to love You more.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

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