Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Julia’s Tunings

Sunday morning retuning:  Good deeds and good works go together.  Again, Pastor Myron continues to build a strong case for why we, as a church, should be externally focused.  Stay with us as he continues to develop this focus through a survey of different Scriptures that point to such a position.  For more on digger deeper look here.
As many of you know, Julia Ciferno is serving with me this summer as our inaugural North-Mar Church Worship Ministries Intern. She is doing a bang up job by the way, blazing a trail for others to follow. I have tried to share as many of my weekly duties with she has risen to the challenge again and again. This week she serves as a guest contributor for Tuesday Tunings, while simultaneously sharing how God has been and continues to lead her to serve Him through worship. I am excited for you to hear her story.

It’s been almost a year since my sister and I, along with 4 other people, embarked on a journey to Hyderabad, India. You may have received a letter prior to our trip and decided to support us with your prayers and gifts—we can’t thank you enough! God provided tremendously, and we saw His love, provision, and power through every aspect of our endeavors. I’d like to take a moment to share a bit of what God has done in my own heart through this experience, and how He’s used it to propel me into what I am now preparing for—over 4 months in the country of Jordan.

First, let’s rewind to August 2013.
I was in India. We worked in and visited 3 different schools, 2 of them in the slums. The spiritual climate was an experience in itself. I’ve been to Burkina Faso, but there was something about India that dried out my spirit in a whole new way. After one week, we had the opportunity to go to a church on the OM (Operation Mobilization) base-- and I couldn't make it through one second of worship without crying. There I was, worshipping the one true God in a land of millions of people who were trying to worship millions of different gods at once! And it was through worship that my spirit was encouraged, nourished, strengthened and watered. Another week passed, and I came to worship once again with the same thirst as before.

I returned from India to an emotional situation at home, and the beginning of fall semester (the semester literally started the day I flew home). I spent the next few weeks with a troubled spirit (not to mention a lot of jet lag), and found solace only in His presence. I became addicted (in a totally awesome, life-changing way) to worship music. I was a musician, so I had plenty of artists who I liked to listen to; but I no longer found any desire to listen to anything other than praise and worship. It fed my soul, kept me thankful, and above all else kept my mind focused on Him and His heart.

I had been leading worship for the young adult group at my church for 3 years, and it had become a huge part of my life. I had always wondered if there was a way that God wanted to use me in regard to worship overseas, but it wasn't until India that I began to have a real sense of the necessity of spending time in worship--especially in such a dark land. If I had such an overwhelming need for it when spending only 2 weeks in India--what was it like for believers who spend 4+ years in the same atmosphere, but in closed countries where they can't simply attend a worship service?

I felt led to meet with our International worker to Jordan to find out if this was indeed a need that they experienced (and if so, to explore how God might use me in that area). I began by telling her about India, and she shared that the first time she came home from 3 years in Jordan, she cried during worship every Sunday for 6 months.
Then she smiled and said, "It's really interesting that you're saying all of this... because a few weeks ago I said to my husband, 'wouldn’t it be SO cool if God called Julia to Jordan to lead worship for us?'"

I got chills--but that wasn't the end of it! She told me of other areas needing attention—web, graphics, photography, videography, and an arts and crafts non-profit of theirs. These are all of my passions aside from worship! I'm currently studying Fine Art with a Graphic Design emphasis, and I love film and have taken classes for it.

Oh, how beautiful does God piece things together.

Julia applied through Envision, a branch of the C&MA that is committed to raising up the next generation for Kingdom change. And of course, she was accepted. Her internship begins in January and finishes in May. She needs to raise $1,250 per month--totaling close to $7000, (not including airfare). If you’d like to be a part of supporting her in this journey, you can give online here. In the box under Give to International Workers and Special Projects,” type: "ENV – Julia Ciferno" and then click the red “Give Now” box that appears.

Jesus, please continue to guide Julia as she endeavors to stay one step behind You. Provide for every need she has. Use our family at North-Mar as a tremendous encouragement to her in this and every part of her journey. In Jesus name.  Amen.
In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Externally-Focused Church

Sunday morning retuning:  So we have begun our four week journey through our Externally-Focused Church series.  Pastor Myron began to build a strong case for why we, as a church, should be externally focused.  Stay with us as he continues to develop this focus through a survey of different Scriptures that point to such a position.  For more on digger deeper look here.
This idea of focusing externally has been on my heart for almost a year in a very pointed way.  In September of last year while attending our Annual District Conference, a gathering of Alliance church leaders from West Virginia and Eastern Ohio, we heard a stirring message from our Superintendent from 1 Peter 2:9.  He used that Scripture to illustrate who we are, God’s people and what we are called to do, declare His praises.  The Church, Focus Externally, to bend it from my perspective.
Having just completed a CD project titled “Show Us Your Glory”, and ever looking for the “next step” Jesus wants us to take, this idea of “declaring the praises of Him who called [us] out of darkness and into His wonderful light”, seemed very clear.  For the next several months I listened to things that would encourage that very heart, and now, as we stand on the cusp of releasing that new CD [Release Party scheduled for Saturday, August 23] we are spending a few weeks being instructed as to what the Bible says about looking outwardly as we live the Gospel.  God’s timing never ceases to amaze me!
As I began to pray about the services that would share the burden of revealing these truths, I kept being drawn back to remembering what the church is, and what we are called to do.  All this in line with the thrust of the CD that is currently in production.  [If you would like to see a sneak peek of the cover designed by our worship intern Julia Ciferno you can click here.]  In the midst of that process I came across one video, then another that I thought were perfect companions, bookends as it were for this four week series.  I gathered from the response on Sunday I am not alone in that estimation.
The first stirs us to recall what Church is even as we gather, Welcome to Church.  

The second which we used as we prepared to depart reminds us that it takes a whole life to do this, not one hour, Before You’re Dismissed.  I love his last line, “Only when you leave the church building can you create the Kingdom of Heaven.”
I have also been listening to some new songs for the next project, which we may just do live on a few Sunday mornings next July or August, and one of them in particular really has come to the forefront because of one line in particular.  The song is We Believe, by the Newsboys.  “So, let our faith be more than anthems/Greater than the songs we sing”. Amen!
Jesus, we want to do more than declare Your praise for 1 hour while we are gathered together.  We want to declare it in everything we do. Teach us to focus externally, even as we rest in You.  In Jesus name.  Amen.
In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I Hope You Dance

Sunday morning retuning:  You heard a stirring story of a family that is working heard to put faith in action as they learn to love the world around them.  What’s the next step for you?  Will you take it?  You probably have some sense of how God is leading and if not, stay with us the next four weeks through our Externally-Focused Church series.  I bet you will know by then.
This past weekend I had the great joy of celebrating the marriage of one of my nephews to his lovely new bride.  It was a beautiful ceremony, followed by a joy-filled reception where the love of and for this couple was fully one display.  I was truly honored to be a guest at this celebration!
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I really enjoyed the food and festivities of the reception, including the dancing.  At one point, when I sat down to take a break, my mother-in-law said to me, “I am seeing a side of you I never have.”  That caught me off guard, since she has know me over twenty years, and has seen me in a number of different settings, leading worship and special services, and living ordinary life.
I had to ask myself what was it that she saw that she hadn’t before and why hadn’t she.  My immediate response was she has seen me in front of the church, not in the crowd celebrating.  But it also occurred to me that life does not provide many opportunities to dance, either literally or figuratively.  Keep that in mind while I share another theme on my heart these days.
We are just finishing up the production of our newest recording project titled “Declare His Praises”.  Based on I Peter 2:9b the intent was to create a project that would encourage and aid our church to speak God’s worth in a strong and confident way.  By His grace, I think we have done that.  You can listen to a sample here.  [If you were a member of our about Facebook group you would have already gotten a notification about this, just saying.]
This idea of being strong and confident as we declare God’s praise intertwined for me this weekend with this idea of dancing.  That is, not holding back, sitting on the side of the dance floor but getting in the game.  Generally speaking, I want to dance, to live with faith and vigor.  Frankly, I want this for you too. When given the choice to sit out or dance, I Hope You Dance.
There is another wedding feast that I am looking forward to.  It will be a celebration like none ever before.  It is the one that will follow the marriage of Jesus Christ and His Bride the Church.  Every time we gather to worship we are declaring this truth and foreshadowing its fulfillment.  But I wonder how well we do?  Here is another song which provides that encouragement to dance, but this one makes me want to actually do it!  The invitation is there for any who will receive it to get onto God’s Great Dance Floor.  
Jesus, thank You for inviting us to live boldly, and to declare Your praises likewise.  Give us the courage we need to do this every day, as a natural expression of the way You have created and are re-creating each of us.  Help us dance, always and only for Your glory.  In Jesus name.  Amen.
In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Bella Crisis Kitty

Sunday morning retuning:  What a great encouragement to be a child of God, and exactly what that looks like for those of who have forgotten, we received on Sunday.  May God give each of us the grace to put this truth into practice.  If you are ready to become a kid again, check here for resources to help.
[I am always trying to encourage each to see the hand of God in our lives, and giving HIm praise for it!  The following story provided by guest contributor Tia Ciferno, is a great illustration of that.]
Julie was walking to the garbage dumpster after our patient day today when a very tousled long-haired grey tabby began meowing loudly and incessantly. One ear was tattered and her face was gaunt with hunger. She followed Julie all the way up the Bella steps and onto our porch, crying.
At first we wondered why she limped and had such a terrible odor. With a closer look we found a pink jeweled collar wrapped around her neck then somehow looped over her right front shoulder and under her tummy. It was wedged tightly into her fur and skin, creating a deep and painful wound.  What a sight!  We gave her something to eat to distract her while taking scissors to the collar, and with one cut the collar fell free.
We thought instantly of my sister Maria, whose specialty is wildlife rehab. One phone call and she was on her way with medicine and counsel.  She washed our Bella Kitty's wounds gently, fed her and brought a cat carrier. Kitty sat quietly and allowed Maria to care for her, and tonight that wounded wanderer is sleeping soundly in my daughter's bedroom, sensing that she's very loved and safe here.  Her vet appointment for stitches and medicine is scheduled for tomorrow morning.
I know there's a beautiful creature beneath that matted fur and that emaciated body. Transformation is the story here, both in the feline that found her way to Bella, and in the lives of those who also find their refuge within our walls. We care for women (and men) who emotionally and spiritually limp up those same steps and enter our doors. We love them like the Good Samaritan who cared for the man on the side of the road. He carried him to the inn, dressed his wounds, and paid for his care.
God sends us such beautiful messages!  I was in tears as I thought again about the absolute horror of that kitty's wounds- but then the joy of cutting that collar from her and watching it fall free! What an exhilarating moment!  How the Lord must rejoice when we come to Him in all our woundedness and with so much binding our hearts...perhaps wrapped in the stench of death from sin- only to find that our pleas are met with a Divine loosening of all we carry by the Power of Love....because of Christ He looses our bonds and we are free!
Transformation is the story for all of us!!
Tia Ciferno
Executive Director
Bella Women's Center

Thanks Tia for this beautiful reminder of God’s work in our lives.

Jesus, thank You for your transforming work in our lives.  Please don’t stop.  we are so needy of your continued freeing, because we often get ourselves tangled up in different messes, our own and others.  Make us beautiful in Your time.  In Jesus name.  Amen.
In Christ,

Pastor Timothy