Sunday morning retuning: Good deeds and good works go together. Again, Pastor Myron continues to build a strong case for why we, as a church, should be externally focused. Stay with us as he continues to develop this focus through a survey of different Scriptures that point to such a position. For more on digger deeper look here.
As many of you know, Julia Ciferno is serving with me this summer as our inaugural North-Mar Church Worship Ministries Intern. She is doing a bang up job by the way, blazing a trail for others to follow. I have tried to share as many of my weekly duties with she has risen to the challenge again and again. This week she serves as a guest contributor for Tuesday Tunings, while simultaneously sharing how God has been and continues to lead her to serve Him through worship. I am excited for you to hear her story.
It’s been almost a year since my sister and I, along with 4 other people, embarked on a journey to Hyderabad, India. You may have received a letter prior to our trip and decided to support us with your prayers and gifts—we can’t thank you enough! God provided tremendously, and we saw His love, provision, and power through every aspect of our endeavors. I’d like to take a moment to share a bit of what God has done in my own heart through this experience, and how He’s used it to propel me into what I am now preparing for—over 4 months in the country of Jordan.
First, let’s rewind to August 2013.
I was in India. We worked in and visited 3 different schools, 2 of them in the slums. The spiritual climate was an experience in itself. I’ve been to Burkina Faso, but there was something about India that dried out my spirit in a whole new way. After one week, we had the opportunity to go to a church on the OM (Operation Mobilization) base-- and I couldn't make it through one second of worship without crying. There I was, worshipping the one true God in a land of millions of people who were trying to worship millions of different gods at once! And it was through worship that my spirit was encouraged, nourished, strengthened and watered. Another week passed, and I came to worship once again with the same thirst as before.
I returned from India to an emotional situation at home, and the beginning of fall semester (the semester literally started the day I flew home). I spent the next few weeks with a troubled spirit (not to mention a lot of jet lag), and found solace only in His presence. I became addicted (in a totally awesome, life-changing way) to worship music. I was a musician, so I had plenty of artists who I liked to listen to; but I no longer found any desire to listen to anything other than praise and worship. It fed my soul, kept me thankful, and above all else kept my mind focused on Him and His heart.
I had been leading worship for the young adult group at my church for 3 years, and it had become a huge part of my life. I had always wondered if there was a way that God wanted to use me in regard to worship overseas, but it wasn't until India that I began to have a real sense of the necessity of spending time in worship--especially in such a dark land. If I had such an overwhelming need for it when spending only 2 weeks in India--what was it like for believers who spend 4+ years in the same atmosphere, but in closed countries where they can't simply attend a worship service?
I felt led to meet with our International worker to Jordan to find out if this was indeed a need that they experienced (and if so, to explore how God might use me in that area). I began by telling her about India, and she shared that the first time she came home from 3 years in Jordan, she cried during worship every Sunday for 6 months.
Then she smiled and said, "It's really interesting that you're saying all of this... because a few weeks ago I said to my husband, 'wouldn’t it be SO cool if God called Julia to Jordan to lead worship for us?'"
I got chills--but that wasn't the end of it! She told me of other areas needing attention—web, graphics, photography, videography, and an arts and crafts non-profit of theirs. These are all of my passions aside from worship! I'm currently studying Fine Art with a Graphic Design emphasis, and I love film and have taken classes for it.
Oh, how beautiful does God piece things together.
Julia applied through Envision, a branch of the C&MA that is committed to raising up the next generation for Kingdom change. And of course, she was accepted. Her internship begins in January and finishes in May. She needs to raise $1,250 per month--totaling close to $7000, (not including airfare). If you’d like to be a part of supporting her in this journey, you can give online here. In the box under “Give to International Workers and Special Projects,” type: "ENV – Julia Ciferno" and then click the red “Give Now” box that appears.
Jesus, please continue to guide Julia as she endeavors to stay one step behind You. Provide for every need she has. Use our family at North-Mar as a tremendous encouragement to her in this and every part of her journey. In Jesus name. Amen.
In Christ,
Pastor Timothy