Tuesday, November 06, 2012


Sunday morning retuning: So what kind of heart do you have?  As realized as Pastor Paul preached that there are times when I exhibit each of those qualities: hard, shallow, distracted, good.  How I want my heart to be fertile ground all the time.  Help me Spirit!

That is the word that is on my mind today.  Why?  

The election.  What are the potential ramifications of the votes we cast today?  Our God is sovereign and He is the One who establishes and tears down (Romans 13:1-7) but yet there are ramifications of our choices for us personally and for our country.

Pastor Nathan.  Though I am really sad that God is redeployed his emerging talents, I am excited about the potential impact on people for the glory of our God.  This is a great picture for each of us as we keep ourselves open to the Lord for His redirecting.

Worship Conference.  I will be with some worship pastors from large churches around the Alliance.  I am excited about what may come out of that, with one area involving technology and music in particular.  What else does God have in store?

God’s Word.  If I will keep my heart before God and allow Him the freedom to work in me, I might actually become the man, husband, dad, and pastor that he desires for me to be.  The alternative does not honor God, or allow me to fully experience his goodness.

So what about you?  Do you see the potential all around you today.  Potential for your choices to influential the direction of the lives around you for some time to come.  Potential for God to receive glory if you stay one step behind Him.  Potential for God to grip your heart through your circumstances if you keep your eyes and heart open.  Potential for God’s Word to really change you, and keep changing you.

Believer, your life in Christ is wrought with potential.  Walk in it today as you stay one step behind Him.  And enjoy it!

Jesus, help me to realize the potential in and all around me.  Give methe faith and the courage to embrace and experience You unfolding that before me today.  Thank You for loving me even when I don’t. Amen.  

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy