Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What is God Up to…in our Worship Ministries?

Dear Worshipers,

How awesome was that Sunday morning to see God so clearly at work in three of our Elders lives!?! And God is on the move not only at NMC at large, but in our Worship Ministries. You saw that Sunday when our fellow musician, John Grundy, shared of Christ’s work in His life over the last couple years. As you can imagine there is much more to it than a few minutes can convey.

I asked John a few weeks ago if he would be willing to share the following evidence of the Spirit’s transforming power in his life. It just so happened that it was convenient to share that this week. It gives you an even more personal look into what God is doing in our brother. Marvel with me at the Father’s handiwork in John.

I am notorious in my house for losing my keys. A few weeks ago Deb and I were going somewhere and I looked in the “key” basket for the car keys—they were not there. Deb carries a set in her purse, so we used her keys. I was not concerned because I almost always put keys in other specific places if I do not put them in the key basket.

I am the kind of person that when something is lost, it drives me crazy until I find it. When we got home, I began to look in those places for the keys. My pants pocket from the prior day—no. The top of my dresser—no. My coat pocket—no. And I went through the house, checking each of the places where I put my keys if I do not put them in the basket. The next day I looked at work—no keys. Again when I got home I practically ripped the house apart looking for them. As I was frantically searching, Deb mentioned that if I had put the keys where they belonged—in the basket—in the first place they would not be lost and I would not be all frantic looking for them.

The next night, when I came home from work, I was met by a somewhat subdued Deb. She had found the keys. And where did she find them? In her coat pocket. She had taken them out of the basket when she ran an errand and not put the keys back in the basket when she got home.

Two years ago, I would have been furious with her. I would have been so angry with her that I would not have talked to her for four or maybe five days. But I was not angry this time. Instead, I burst out laughing. I was laughing so hard my hands were on my knees to hold me on my feet. The Holy Spirit had created a new me so that I could laugh at this. I was certainly not the old John who would have been furious.

What a beautiful illustration of the Lord changing a life! Do you have a story of God at work in your life? I already know the answer to that question, but not the next. Would you be willing to share it? Guest columnists are invited to contribute. There are more stories than a weekly “tuning” can hold, but let’s try to tell them. Acknowledging Christ’s life changing power in our midst is so encouraging. Let’s make a habit of it.

Jesus, when we ask You to help us walk a step behind You, we are implying You are moving…and You are! Please keep it up. Change our lives so we may accurately reflect Your love to a watching, waiting world.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Celebration of Creativity

Dear Worshipers,

Warning: I want to hear from you on this one. I need your prayerful feedback.

Julia’s song Sunday was wonderful, wasn’t it? And she is going to be a graphic designer. Meet another one who just graduated from college recently and may be joining choir in the fall. Did I hear one of those graduating seniors say they were majoring in dance? We have a small cast of actors from our youth who are serving excellently this week at VBS.

You have already enjoyed some to the labors of Joseph McBride our resident set designer/fabricator, and I learned a few weeks ago that he sings too. I recently met another person who has a background in drama and music who has toured in that capacity. God has blessed us with an amazing amount of creativity in our congregation and continues to do so. I have been prompted lately in several ways to celebrate that creativity, and I want some feedback from you.

For years I have wanted to find ways to encourage the artisans in our midst to use their talent for their Maker’s glory. I have heard of churches doing art exhibits, and poetry readings for example, and am praying about the right venue for our body’s artists. An idea is emerging to do an event where some might sing, others might read, while still others would display their handiwork, even including other items like jewelry or otherwise.

So what do you think? An evening in the fellowship Hall and otherwise where God is glorified as art is displayed, drama is portrayed, music is made, words are say-ed [pardon me, but you get the idea. We could possibly have the Holy Grounds CafĂ© open and maybe even offer some other treats. This is just taking shape for me and I want you feedback. Let me know what you think, and let’s see how God will encourage us to encourage our artisans.

Jesus, you created us. Show us how to use all our creativity for Your praise.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The Sacrifice of One

Dear Worshipers,

What a stirring service on Sunday. The testimony from Ken was God-honoring. When a few people came to the altar during the second service as many were kneeling in their pews I was overwhelmed. Pastor Myron brought the Word to us and provided a powerful reminder: God is in control and He loves us. I am so thankful for those two things.

Then, just when everyone thought we were finished, we experienced one more powerful moment. We spent a few moments considering the sacrifice of a serviceman through the eyes of his daughter. The Sacrifice of One. This proved to be a stirring reminder of the sacrifice of many. We left with grateful hearts.

I hope you each enjoyed your celebrations of Memorial Day. Now we have moved back into another week of worshipping, working and walking. Do you still find yourself stirred by the sacrifice of the One who died for you? Are you overwhelmed by the reality that he loves you? Is it humbling to think that He is on control of everything and is working it all out for your good, that is if you love Him?

I hope you are. He is so good to us. And He is at work in our midst. If you were here Sunday I trust you are confident of that. If you were not, be here this weekend as we gather around the table and consider the last of the Core Values of the Alliance: “Achieving God’s purposes involves taking faith-filled risks; this always involves change. Hebrews 11:6” What changes does God have in store for us, for you? Let’s embrace them with a heart of wonder.

Jesus, have Your way in me. I offer up my life to You. I love You.

In Christ,
Pastor Timothy