Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Identified with Christ

Dear Worshipers,

I reminded you last week that we just marked a significant marker this weekend in the life of North-Mar Church. And though we did so with no real pomp and circumstance, Pastor Myron brought another message that could have similar impact on the life of our church should we choose to respond to it. Lord, have Your way in us.

From Romans 6 he challenged us to be identified with Christ. Dead BUT Live! Know it, claim it, live it. Many of you walked toward the front of the sanctuary to affirm your desire to claim your identity in Christ. What a powerful moment! Now what.

How is it going as you are trying to live out that identity? It will not be easy, but you already knew that. For someone, the temptation to gossip has already presented itself and you have had to consider yourself dead to gossip and alive in Christ. For someone else, the allure of pornography may have already crossed your mind and you have been able to claim victory over that in Christ. Still someone else is facing a situation and you are inclined to think that the Lord really does not see you and your pain, but you have reminded yourself that you are alive in Him and He loves you.

You see being identified with Christ comes at every moment of the day, not only the great spiritual moments while you are singing a song of praise with a Bible in one hand and your other lifted to heaven. Yielding to your Master in all things is the way that we demonstrate our identity with Christ. We associate with Him at every level.

That’s what it means to be identified with someone. To associate in name, feeling, interest, action, etc. In every way to connect with Christ. That takes some adjusting on our part. Even radical adjusting. It’s not easy, but it is worth it.

So do you know it? Sure. Did you claim it? I hope so. Are you living it? I am praying you are discovering what that means every day. And that today is not exception. Let’s live out our identity with Christ

Jesus, I want to identify with You. Help me live that out by dying to myself so that I can live in You. I want to be dead but alive. Holy Spirit, help me.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Set ME on Fire

Dear Worshipers,

I like marking time, that is celebrating the passing of time especially from a significant event. At North-Mar, we are coming up on such an occasion this weekend. Can you remember what happened in our morning services a year ago this weekend, or maybe more accurately what began to happen. Think about it a minute before you read on.

It was a year ago this weekend that Pastor Myron spoke about baptism and encouraged people to respond and be baptized the next week. What happened next was a remarkable move of God. Over the next seven weeks God chose to Soak The Church as over 180 people were baptized.

It was breath-taking as week after week, for a total of 7 weeks, in each service there were people baptized with many telling glorious LifeChange stories. If you were here during that period of time, you know there are not adequate words to express the joy and excitement of those Sundays. But as with every season, those weeks drew to a close and we moved on, ever wondering what God would do next.

I remember thinking during that time and even asking the question publicly, “Do you think God is finished working here at NMC?” The response was always an emphatic “NO!” since the strong sense that each of us had was that He had really just begun. I still believe that to be true.

Though we have not seen an outpouring in a wave like that, we continue to see ripples. Lives being changed one at a time. There is a sense of excitement in our services. People fill the building for events through the week. Still, I would not be honest if I did not admit that I continue long to see God changing lives in bunches like that season a year ago.

That desire was fueled by a request I invited you to join me in back in February. Here is what I said back then.

When you think about North-Mar, when you are driving here, or away from here, anytime the Lord brings this place to mind I am asking you to join me in this simple prayer: Set Us On Fire. That God would give us an all-consuming passion for the renown of His matchless name here in our community and to the ends of the earth. Will you join me?

I wonder how many of you took my challenge and have been praying. It is easy to shrug off a broad prayer like that and assume that someone else will pray it, and then God will respond to their faithful prayer, so I feel compelled to bring it a little closer to home. Will you begin to pray, Set ME on fire? WARNING! God likes to answer this kind of prayer!

I have begun to ask God why we have not seen Him move like last spring and am searching His heart to discover if there is anything we are missing that is keeping Him from freely flowing in our midst. I believe if we begin to seek Him together to set each of us on fire, we will find ourselves positioned to burn as a community of faith. Holy Spirit come!

Jesus, let revival fire fall. Then on the heals of it, let us see a great awakening in our neighborhoods and cities. Begin that work in me.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Resurrection Hangover

Dear Worshipers,

I was visiting a church pastored by a dear friend of mine this past Sunday during my vacation. In his opening remarks and welcomed to the folks gathered to worship he mentioned that he was delighted to see so many of them again the week following Easter. As you know, many people find their way to church on Easter Sunday morning who have a hard time finding their way back the next week, or for a long time.

He said, “I’m glad to see you are not experiencing a resurrection hangover.” Those words really caught my attention. While the first and most common definition of a hangover is the ill effects experienced after a night of drinking, the term hangover was originally a 19th century expression describing unfinished business—something left over from a meeting—or "survival." [Wikipedia] Another definition and the one that I eventually wrestled with can be defined as a letdown, as after a period of excitement. [dictionary.com]

Easter is certainly exciting. I was using words leading up to and even Easter Sunday morning like pinnacle to describe the importance of the celebration of the resurrection in the yearly cycle of the gathered church. While we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection every time we gather in one way or another, Easter is IT! The DAY!

It is hard not to come down from that. If it is the pinnacle, how can one not come down. You can not live at the mountaintop. There is not much there, other than the feeling of a nearness to the Lord. But life, and ministry, happen in the valley. So how do you keep from letting the hangover come?

You can’t. I really don’t think you can avoid it. But I do think you can avoid allowing your feeling to negatively affect your countenance. As you stand on the side of the mountain or near the valley at the bottom, look up. Fix your eyes again on Jesus, the Author and FINISHER of our faith. [Hebrews 12:2] It may be finished, but you are not!

Put your faith to work for you today for there are still things Jesus wants to do in and through you. Shake off the letdown from previous period of excitement and get back at it, whatever it is for you in God’s gracious plan. There is unfinished business, but that is something to be excited about, not hungover.

Jesus, help me shake off the let down of a previous period of excitement in You. I want to get there again, to that place of exhilaration and exuberance in You. Take me there as I walk one step behind you.

In Christ,

Pastor Timothy