Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Dear Worshippers,

I am continuing to learn that life and ministry are all about relationships. Over the last week I have received a number of emails responding to this communication I fondly call my “tunings”. Without fail they reflected to me the relationship I have with each responder, some more intimate than others, while all very warm and honest. Though I may not have replied to all, I do consider every response valuable and appreciate each taking their time to share their thoughts. I am thankful to God for the relationship I have with each of you.

I did not mean to sound like I was about to quit writing, though it must had sounded that way. I was simply trying to evaluate the usefulness of what I had been communicating. The Spirit led me into that as part of a larger process of retooling in a sense. I will continue to write, Lord willing, as I pray that those who read will seek a similar kind of freshness in their service to the King. As I journey along, I am thankful to have each of you as companions in pursuing Christ-likeness.

This next part of the journey for me is going to be marked by prayer, as these tunings will reflect before resuming the Core Values series. Prayer is really about relationship. As I take time and relate to God in conversation, I get to know Him better. I can express to Him my concerns about my walk with Christ, my family, this ministry and our church for starters. He shows me His heart on these things and I come to a place of rest as I enjoy His presence.

I invite you to cultivate that relationship as well in 2008. Over the last couple of years with varied success I have attempted to organize a prayer ministry for our Worship Ministry. By God’s grace and for His glory, I am committed to revitalizing that ministry. It began with seven men a few of years ago, then expanded to include a larger group almost two years ago. The point of it was to have some things to pray about regarding the worship life of our church, with the ultimate goal of having teams praying not only for our services but during. I am making it my goal to see that happen in some form this year.

I have included below the text of my original communication to those who committed to be InterCessors as well as a list of ongoing and immediate requests. This will give you more information to make a prayerful consideration of involvement in this ministry. Do not be afraid or discouraged. God wants us to approach Him in prayer. We are going to do more of that in the days ahead as we pursue a deeper relationship with Christ and each other.

NEXT WEEK: Our Mission-In Prayer

In Christ,

Pastor Scott

[March 2006]

Dear InterCessors,

Thank you for answering the call to prayer. For a long time the leadership of the Alliance has said that prayer must be our first work. This ministry, a broad group of people praying collectively for the worship life of our church, will ensure that we keep the main thing the main thing. I believe we can move mountains. I believe Jesus gave us great authority that we too often fail to exercise. Thank you for being willing to “get in shape”, or rather to assist the worship life of our church to do so, through your prayers.

This is the commitment I would like to ask you to make. I am calling the InterCessors to spend 2006 as follows.

  1. Praying everyday through a monthly prayer card (3-5 minutes)
  2. Waiting on the Lord following this to hear His voice (1-2 minutes)
  3. Praying on Sunday morning for the worship experience of the church gathered.
  4. Praying the rest of the week for the worship experience of the work dispersed.

Eventually I would like to add a fifth phase, possibly in the fall once the team is a little larger

  1. Praying once a month during the service with other members of the team for God to reveal Himself and His people to respond.

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